Chapter 0298
Dylan made several phone calls that morning, while Logan worked from home, and I nervously scrolled through some news websites covering the story and thin false information spread about me.
The misinformation was detrimental. People were accusing me of purposefully becoming Logan’s secretary just so I could break up his relationship to Tina and ruin both their lives.
If anyone had fact checked anything, they would have seen that I worked for Logan much longer than he’d dated Tina. That didn’t make for as clickable a headline however.
“Good news,” Dylan said as he hung up the phone. Logan and I both look up at him. “I’ve arranged for a meeting with one of my friends in public relations. I’ve talked her through our situation and what we would need help with.”
“She seemed agreeable?” Logan asked.
“Yes,” Dylan replied. “She admitted she heard about Hazel on the news and wondered who would be advocating for her. I think we have the right person here for the job.”
“And we can trust her?” I asked, to be sure. The last thing I wanted was to have the rug pulled out from under me by someone I would have to depend on.
“We’ve been friends a long time,” Dylan said. “I can vouch for her. Plus, she has her own wealth, so she won’t be tempted by any money Hatfield Senior throws her way.”
That was definitely a boon at this stage. I shivered, remembering my time in the holding tank.
“What time are we meeting her?” Logan asked.
“Noon today,” Dylan said. “I figured the sooner the better, with how things are.”
“Agreed,” Logan replied, and nodding, I closed all of my internet tabs.
I’d lost all of my clothes in the travel, so I left it up to Logan and Dylan to buy me something to wear. They returned with piles of clothes, all in the correct size and mostly all my style. There were a few more
revealing pieces that I wasn’t too sure off.
Logan pushed those aside and said, “Later.”
Oh. Oh.
Thinking of showing off those clothes for Logan sent my heart racing and helped me cope with my nerves now. No matter how much unpleasantness I would have to face, Logan and I would still have fun later. That kept me going.
One of the outfits they had purchased was a simple pantsuit with a cream white blouse. I’d often worn clothes like this to the office… when I still had my job. Wearing the outfit now felt like I was putting on a suit of armor.
As I checked myself in the mirror, looking from every angle to make sure I was respectable and presentable, Logan came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I watched in the mirror as he looked down at me in my new outfit.
“Good?” he asked.
Chapter 0290
“Perfect,” I told him.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...