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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 : You do the cooking, and I'll do the dishes.

It occurred to Micaela that Alba's question:

Does he agree with your separation?

"So, is he okay with it?"

Carlos paid attention to her rich expression and said nothing.

Only then he got out of the car, came back from his confused thoughts.

And he was surprised to discover that he was actually in the neighborhood where she lived, Barrio Fanslan.

She was again a bit puzzled and looked at Carlos in disbelief:

-Shouldn't you go to dinner first?

Carlos took her by the hand and headed towards the building:

-Yes, but I like your kitchen better.

Micaela suddenly remembered, that a moment ago he pointed in a certain direction, and told her that it was the place where we lived in the future.

And that address, it seemed to be here....

The elevator opened, Carlos went straight to the luxurious door, deftly unlocked the password, turned on the lights and stepped inside.

She was a bit puzzled:



Carlos put his jacket on the sofa and looked around the home. Although it wasn't the first time he came here, it felt more homey when Micaela was there.

-Didn't you say you were going home?

Carlos approached her and asked:

-Last time you said you didn't want to be with me, right?

She didn't try to explain why she said that that day. She really wanted to get away from him. Although her brain ordered her to stay away rationally, her heart was not willing to obey....

Without waiting for her to respond, he continued:

-Since you don't want to be with me, then I'll be with you.


She felt surprise and unconsciously asked in turn:

-What difference does it make?

-Of course there is. I'm with you and you're going to keep me alive. You promised me.

Micaela remembered that she apologized to Carlos when they were having dinner at Celotierra, but when he asked her to change the word to something else, she actually changed it to: I'm keeping you alive.

"Is this the statement you are referring to?"

-Remember? Haha, you have to keep your promise.

-I... -Micaela blushes- -How can I keep your life.... ?

-You can, and I'm really hungry now.

Micaela then remembered that she hadn't had dinner yet:

-I'm going to prepare something for you....

However, Carlos answered her with a kiss...

He kissed her tenderly, not wanting to let her go until they were both breathless.


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