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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 : Trying to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice!

Carlos nodded to show understanding.

Adriana and Marta were even more shocked. The man was so respectful to Micaela's boyfriend, was he her people?

The man nodded as well and turned to walk back to face Adriana. He took a folder from the assistant's hand next to him, opened it and handed it to Adriana.

-Miss Elvira, Mrs. Garcia, I come on behalf of the Anlandana land agency to officially expropriate your land.


They were both astonished and felt a little overturned.

The president and Micaela were also surprised by the expropriation.

Why would she expropriate the land? If it were acquired, would the orphanage inevitably move in?

Adriana realized that she was in Anlandana and being a citizen in the country, she knew very obviously that in the simplest and clearest way of saying, land expropriation was that the relevant departments of Anlandana would buy the land at the lowest price and use it for another reason, which was simply like confiscation.

Martha also gave the reaction and responded loudly.

-We reject expropriation!

-Mrs. Garcia, it is the obligation of all citizens to cooperate with the Anlandana system. Our expropriation is mandatory. If you refuse, we have the right to take further action. Here are the documents for you to read.

-Besides, you are a public figure, it will really embarrass you to get in the news and it will definitely have a big impact on your career.

His words left Adriana trembling even more.

The man continued.

-Another thing, we will compensate you for your losses.

Marta asked unconsciously.

-How much is the compensation?

If he compensated them five hundred thousand euros or six hundred thousand euros, I would accept it because no one was capable of foolishly confronting the relevant departments of Anlandana.

Martha thought so in her heart but she heard the man saying.

-The standard for land acquisition in Anlandana is fifteen euros per square meter. Here there is a total of one thousand square meters, so it is fifteen thousand euros.

The man with glasses gave the price very quickly.

The mother and daughter became so angry that as if they were going to vomit blood!

Fifteen thousand euros?

They spent over a hundred thousand euros to get the land!

Surely it was to acquire the land, not to steal it obviously?

It would definitely cause a huge loss!

Adriana took several deep breaths and calmly made an analysis. If there was a dispute over land acquisition, it shouldn't be that easy. Then she approached Diego hurriedly pulling him and said.

-Sir, I am sorry, but you cannot do the expropriation on behalf of Anlandana, because we have just finished negotiating the price with the Mancebo Group and soon the land will be yours. Look, there is a dispute over this land, that's why, it does not meet the requirements of the acquisition!

She then winked frantically at Diego but he spoke to Adriana.

-I'm very sorry, Miss Elvira. Since this land in Anlandana is going to be expropriated, of course I will make the cooperation without conditions. Well, I can't buy it.

Marta gasped. The boiled duck was going to fly like that?

Nine hundred thousand euros!

Diego went on.

-I was joking with you a little while ago. My last name is not Mancebo but Ocampo. I am an assistant to our lord.


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