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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 : Yes, this is Gael Mariano.

Carlos glanced at Micaela's switched-on cell phone and understood that she would pay him back sooner or later. He rubbed his brow.

It seemed hard for Micaela to spend Carlos's money!

Deciding what he wanted to eat, Carlos handed the menu to Micaela.

She casually flipped through it, in which all the food looked very delicious, but also expensive!

She tried to calm herself not to count the price of the dishes....

"All the dishes are so expensive! And this dinner is going to be worth some recent clothes!"

-Well, I order the same as him, thank you -Micaela made up her mind, closed the menu and handed it back to the waiter.

Smiling, the waiter withdrew.

-You transferred all the money to me, does that mean I'm the owner of the house? -Carlos laughed and looked at her seriously.

Owner of the house?

Micaela blushed. She knew that what he said indicated that there was no need to worry about the money with him....

Micaela also looked at him with a serious look.

"He's right, what's the use of worrying about money?"

He had already given her so much, which was much more than this money. He couldn't give it all back to her.

Actually, Micaela was also happy paying for him. Seeing that he was dressed in the clothes she had bought him, she was glad. On the other hand, didn't he feel the same way?

Suddenly, she understood Carlos' happiness when he bought so many clothes for her?

For a moment she let herself be convinced. Determined, a charming smile appeared on her face.

It didn't take long to serve them the food they had ordered. In addition to two steaks, many snacks were piled up, which looked very rich and tasty. Micaela looked at them and found that everything was what she liked, so she was moved.

Really, she was already hungry. She started eating straight away.

Although it was not the first time she had steak, she did so rarely, where it was always Alba who asked her to have it. Having been abroad for a year, it had already been a year since she had touched the cutlery. As she was not used to using it now, she handled it slowly and was embarrassed...

-Eat this -Carlos gave her his divided steak and took hers to divide it.

The beef sectioned by him was well proportioned, as if it were art.

-Thank you..." Micaela blushed a little.

The two of them were quietly enjoying their meal, not realizing that the surrounding people were looking at them with envy....

The scene of them together was so beautiful, harmonious and pleasant as if it was a landscape they would never get tired of contemplating, so some of them even took their cell phones to secretly take pictures of them....

Carlos was looking at Micaela attentively with much tenderness.

-Carlos Aguayo, eat and don't look at me! -Detecting his burning gaze, Micaela turned her head slightly.

-Carlos kept looking at her and said softly.

Abruptly Micaela blushed.

"That man speaks without thinking where we are..."

Precisely a man in a suit passed by them. Suddenly he stopped and looked at them with an incredible look. It seemed that he had heard Carlos.

When he saw that it was indeed Carlos, he was very surprised.


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