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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 : Because you're meant to be my girlfriend

Her body was getting weaker and weaker. Like her but she didn't want him to misunderstand anything and struggled to explain herself:

-Carlos, since you heard this sentence, you should have heard everything too!

He didn't stop kissing her until he heard her words:

-Yes, I heard it.

Micaela tried to avoid his movements:

-I didn't know you then!

-You can't think like that even if you didn't know me!

Micaela was speechless. "How dominant!"

Carlos's burning body heat seemed to melt her, and as Micaela became more and more disoriented, she felt a vague pain in the back of her neck....


Then Carlos immediately looked up to look at her.

She was so shy that she didn't look at him, her face flushed like an apple, rubbing the back of her neck....

-Are you all right? Carlos asked with concern.

He stood up and tried to see what was wrong with her neck, but Micaela avoided him and shook her head.

-I'm fine.

Suppressing the sudden uneasiness that arose in his heart, Micaela looked at him and asked:

-How do you know that if I had met you first, I would not have been with him?

His love for her came suddenly and violently. When they met for the first time, he asked her to stay with him. At the time, they didn't know each other at all, so she thought at first that he just wanted to pass the time and was not sincere with her....

Carlos responded firmly, gently stroking her cheek:

-Because you are destined to be my girlfriend.

Micaela felt joyful for his love, hugging his waist and resting her face against his chest with her eyes closed:

-Thank you. Before, I didn't know love well, but now, I know it.....

Carlos stroked her hair with a smile. Her rare initiative delighted him.

It explained why she wanted to marry Marcos before, because she had never met Carlos and didn't know what love was....

-It's nothing, honey.

Smelling the fragrance of her body, Carlos thought about what Katarina said.

"I was familiar with her scent too, could I have seen her before?"

A bold idea occurred to him and he wanted to confirm it.

So he had to restrain his sexual desire and let go of her to get off the bed....

But she grabbed his sleeve and asked red-faced:

-Don't you want to take a nap?


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