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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 : You can be born again.

Asked the other model,

-We all joined with Brillantella by being qualified by AFIA. Why did you join without doing anything?

-It's not fair!

-She's not fit to be a model!

-She is not worthy of her orientation!

The others also protested the injustice.

Adriana stopped in the middle of them full of satisfaction and did not speak.

Before Micaela and Eric came, she and Ivanna Aleman were talking to the models about the different deals that Micaela accepted. So they reigned in Eric's studio to express their dissatisfactions. The models were in charge of making scandals, and Adriana just needed to contemplate this farce.


Alba said first.

IvannaAre they all AFIA-qualified? And where are the certificates?

Some of them quieted down.

Alba approached Ivanna.

-What about you? They say you are not professional either. Where is your certificate?

-They are training me. I... I get it soon.

-Don't you? I thought you joined because of your family's wealth.

The models started laughing because what Alba said was fact.

Ivanna got angry. She never beat Alba every time they argued.

-You can incorporate before you are AFIA certified, why Micaela no. Did you register for the primary exam? But Micaela, the advanced exam.

All the models were surprised.

Adriana too. It took her a long time to pass the advanced exam. She also registered for the advanced after passing the primary and intermediate. But Micaela wanted to pass the advanced directly?

Was she that capable?

Alba didn't lie. They talked about it in the elevator.

Eric was satisfied. He knew Alba wouldn't let Micaela be mistreated.

-Since I demand it, I don't care if she has the certificate. But we decided to approve it for the so-called justice. And it will convince you.

As he finished the words, Eric gave Micaela a look.

"The so-called justice?"

"I'm not precious to hear words like that."

Indeed, a model answered in a loud voice,

-But we don't understand, why does he demand it?

-He's not qualified. And just for the face?


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