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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 205

Chapter 205 : It was Amelia who saved your life!

-Right? -Carlos looked at Amelia and asked coldly.

Amelia wiped away her tears. She felt secretly afraid. She thought it was a very deliberate plan, and that person who executed this plan was no longer in Teladia, so Carlos shouldn't know she was the main instigator.

Amelia nodded feigning calmness and said:

-If you want to talk about harm, it's Micaela....

That shameless woman held her tongue at once when she saw Carlos' sharp look like a sword.

-She stole my important position in the fashion show and the opportunity to be the spokesperson for the new products of Grupo Aguayo!

When Micaela was about to speak, but Carlos took the remote control to the side and turned on the TV. Everyone looked at him confused...

What was shown on the TV was the surveillance video, recorded on the day Micaela was kidnapped here!

The video showed the image of the hotel lobby. Amelia was sitting on the sofa in the lobby, looking at the glass front door frequently. After a while, Carlos walked in with Micaela. Amelia was abruptly flustered, sat back down on the couch, but stared out of the corner of her eye at them until they entered the elevator with the manager....

Amelia's heartbeat suddenly quickened. No, she did it so carefully, that's why she couldn't have found out....

-Miss Athens, you are very thoughtful. When you left the private room, you went to bribe the security guard in the monitoring room. When my subordinate came to review the surveillance video, he got a video of what was cut off the part we just saw.

Carlos pressed the button on the remote control again and changed the image ...

Micaela covered her mouth in surprise. On the screen were Amelia and Mr. Gallo who wanted to rape her twice!

-Torture that bitch! Here's 200 thousand euros. The more you torture her, the more generous the payment will be! -Amelia's voice rang out:

At that time, Mr. Gallo was already at a dead end. 200 thousand euros were a great temptation, so he accepted the deal in a jiffy.

-In case this matter comes to light, don't expose me. If you do it successfully, I will pay you another 500 thousand euros.

So this business was worth 700 thousand euros. With this payment That's a seven million yuan business. With this amount of money, even though I would not recover the lost position, I would not be destitute. Mr. Gallo gritted his teeth and agreed.

Amelia felt dizzy and her brain was in chaos.....

Micaela trembled with anger, why was this woman so evil? Good thing Carlos had found her in a timely manner that day, otherwise she....

Micaela didn't dare to imagine it....

-Yet why was Amelia sure that Micaela would leave the room alone that day? -Olivia became doubtful.

In the video, Mr. Gallo immediately asked Olivia this question:

-What if she doesn't go out alone?

-I have my idea! -Amelia smiled.

Micaela was confused. The doctor made that call. The doctor couldn't help Amelia to hurt her....

Carlos took her hand and explained:

-She pretended to be Adriana calling the doctor. After hearing what Amelia said, the doctor called her right away.

He found out about this after he asked Diego to find out and report back to the doctor. That night, the doctor received a call with an unknown number, but she said it was Adriana.

The doctor rarely spoke to Adriana on the phone, so she did not notice that the voice of the person she spoke to was different.

Micaela suddenly understood.

The video was still playing and fast forwarding. Alba quickly saw everything that happened next. Micaela was dragged into the bathroom, then Carlos kicked the door in, and Micaela came out covered with Carlos' coat....

You could imagine what happened in the bathroom....

It turned out that Micaela had experienced something so terrible! She had suffered this kind of violence before! Amelia was a bastard!

Alba stepped forward in fury, grabbed Amelia's hair and slapped her!

Seeing this, Ernesto also felt pain in his cheek. It seemed that he didn't use as much force when Alba slapped him....


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