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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 207

Chapter 207 : Carlos' Memories

The room was silent.

Carlos wanted to confess about what happened that night with Amelia to Micaela, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Even though he didn't know her at the time, Carlos still felt guilty about Micaela, so he wanted Micaela to know the truth through what happened today.

That morning at Mangzarent Nation, Micaela told him that it might not be the first time for her to have sex and cried sadly. Carlos understood that she was sad because she wanted to give him her body and mind completely.

And so did he.

Carlos took out his cell phone and called Diego.

Quickly Diego answered the call:


-Send them to follow Amelia and her father.

And he hung up the phone after talking for a while.

Leonardo asked him doubtfully:

-Are you worried about them reappearing in Teladia? Without your support, they would not be able to regain their lost position.

He knew very well that his uncle had no skills.

What gave Leonardo a headache was how to explain to his mother and aunt when he returned home?

Carlos said with certainty:

-A rogue will not give up easily. I have to confirm if Damian really regrets it.

Leonardo could not, and would not, beg for his uncle again, so he apologized sincerely:

-Carlos, I'm sorry for what happened last time and this time. Each time it was me who told Amelia that we ate here....

-Micaela, I'm sorry! -Leonardo looked at Micaela and sincerely apologized.

-It's all right. What happened last time is in the past. I'm fine. This time... -Micaela shook her head.

-Carlos let Amelia in because he knew Amelia definitely talked about it. Since he's tacitly agreed, Carlos wants me to know.... -Micaela looked at Carlos and said.

Carlos raised his eyebrows. Micaela was very smart. How she behaved made him surprised and pleased.

There was no need to explain why he felt glad, since she had already known his intention. And he felt surprised because she showed a calm attitude.

Carlos stroked Micaela's head and immediately decided:

-Let's all go. We'll get together next time.

Ernesto could not help shouting:

-No way! We're just waiting for you to tell us in detail what happened between you and Amelia. Do you want to tell Micaela just without giving us an explanation?

Carlos agreed. I just wanted to talk to Micaela alone.

-Right," Carlos' answer was always clear and orderly, which was his usual style.

Ernesto gave up despondently - Carlos didn't like to share gossip!

If it were anyone else, he would bring up the details plaguing him incessantly. but he was Carlos! Carlos, who always matched words with actions!

Olivia was a little curious and felt as curious as if a cat were clawing at her heart. Why could Micaela keep quiet when she learned of Mr. Aguayo's love story? Although it wasn't exactly a love story.

Alba also felt complicated. As she was immersing herself in her thoughts, Alba heard what Carlos said.

-Miss Alba, Micaela is going to Brillantella tomorrow. As her assistant, you can go to the Fanslan neighborhood together in the evening.

Hearing this made Alba's heart skip a beat. She knew her purpose...

She said in a relaxed tone:

-Okay. I'll go back home and pick up the change of clothes.

They all left the private room and said goodbye at the entrance of the restaurant.

-Be careful," Micaela looked at Alba and said.

-Don't worry," Alba waved and greeted her.

-Calm down Micaela. This girl with a manly character is so forceful that nothing could happen.


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