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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215 : What does Micaela remember?


Marta became a little nervous.

Alba approached Marta with Micaela, and said with a smile:

-Have you forgotten? She said that she had voluntarily given the land to Anlandana and that it was she who financed the orphanage.

-You know very well what the truth is, don't you? Who do you think would be hurt the most if, for example, this matter were to come to light?

Micaela noticed that Marta was a little frightened....

-Aunt Marta, I just came to ask you a few questions. If you cooperate well, I can pretend that I don't know anything about this....

Marta was furious, in the past, Micaela didn't even dare to raise her head, but now she really threatened her!

-Is the public going to believe everything you say? What proof do you have?

-All the children at the orphanage are the best proof. -Dare you dare let Adriana and I go to the orphanage together? We can have another live broadcast, called "True or False Charity". What do you think?

"If this really got out, it would be a huge blow to her career. i can't let my daughter take that risk!"

At that moment, another person came out of the house, it was Marta's husband, Sergio.

He was wearing a gray suit, and he saw Micaela with a watchful eye.

He could clearly hear from inside the house what they were saying, but he had no position in the family. When he heard Micaela say she wanted to ask something, he couldn't help but approach.

-Micaela, you have come, have you already eaten?

Then, Marta was going to inform her daughter.

-We have eaten.

Both Micaela and Alba greeted him.

Micaela was still grateful to her uncle, the only person who took care of her in this family when she was a child.

Two months ago, Marta and Adriana wanted to give her to a rich old man as a lover and locked her in a room on the third floor. If it wasn't for him, she would have been crippled coming down from the floor....

-Come in," Sergio greeted.

Micaela finally entered this home.

She stood in the hallway and looked around. Everything was familiar...

Micaela pointed to the closed door of the room at the bottom of the stairs and asked:

-Uncle, the piano, is it still in that room?

-Yes, it's always there.

The maid tried to make tea, but Marta stopped her:

-There's no need, they're not guests!

Alba snorted coldly:

-It seems that after Micaela's departure, Familia Elvira has declined, hasn't she? She doesn't even have a cup of tea? But it's good not to drink it. I was afraid it would poison him, after all, it's not as if it never did.

Chapter 215 : What Does Micaela Remember? 1

Chapter 215 : What Does Micaela Remember? 2


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