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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 : Why did you come here?

Josefina gave him a contemptuous look.

-So what, Mr. Berganza is highly qualified and has won numerous awards. But your designs have not caught the attention of that client?

She looked askance at Micaela and continued:

-What is his qualification?

Ana tried to contradict her when Micaela stopped her.

She looked at the colleagues around her and said calmly:

-She is right. I don't have a lot of experience, nor am I sure Kiki is satisfied. Let's not argue about this.

-Let's not argue about this.

Josefina sat back in her seat, and everyone dispersed.

Soon Kiki appeared and asked Micaela to enter the office.

And she came in with the design.

-Is the drawing done?

Kiki sat down in front of the office table and took the drawing.

-It's just a sketch, there are still many details to be added.

Kiki said nothing more and looked at it carefully.

It didn't take her long to look up with a grateful look.

-Micaela, you are the most modest designer I've ever seen!

She put down the design and looked at Micaela.

-You haven't let me down! Come on, try to make it perfect. Then I'll inform Ivanna to come and see it. And this task is officially in your hands!

As soon as Micaela returned to her position, Ana immediately approached and asked:

-What did Kiki say?

The other people were listening well.

-I'm responsible for the design.

-You're great!

The colleagues whispered again, and Ana wanted to say something again, but Micaela stopped her.

"I'll prove myself with facts!"

Three days had passed and it was Friday.

It was almost the end of the job, and the design sketches were already finished.

The computer drawing part, she decided to leave for next Monday, taking the weekend off.

How many times he had looked at his cell phone....

There was still no answer.

He couldn't help guessing the reason.

"Could it be that he doesn't use Whatsapp?"

"Or is he too busy to check it?"

-Everyone! We are meeting tonight to welcome our new colleagues.

Kiki suddenly came out to announce.

She didn't want to join in, as she didn't like the hustle and bustle of the occasion.

But as a new colleague, she could not refuse.

The dinner was held at Hotel Oasis, close to the company.

It was only a ten-minute walk with Ana.

The company had reserved a very large private room with three tables.

Nubcancion treated the employees well.

The food was very tasty.

Halfway through the meal, the more active ones started to toast.

-Micaela, let's toast!

A bespectacled man approached with a tall glass.

Micaela raised her glass of juice, smiled in response and took a sip.

-You're new, so you can ask me if you don't understand something.

-Mr. Berganza, you're from the first department. If she has a problem, she should ask someone from her own department.

The colleague from the same department interrupted him.


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