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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 : How do you plan to pay for it? Isn't it better if you marry me?

Carlos, who had opened the door from the other side of the car, overheard the words and was slightly startled.

-Don't make me laugh, if you have such a rich husband, how can you be here in the rain in the middle of the night?

Micaela was speechless for a moment....

-My wife has this hobby, do you have a problem?

A cold voice rang out.

A tall, elongated figure, carrying a large black umbrella, slowly approached.

In the rainy night, and with the umbrella covering his face, it was impossible to see, but the powerful aura emanating from him still made the two hooligans step back in fear.

Micaela looked up in disbelief and Carlos had approached her.

The umbrella covered the sky above her head and no rain was hitting her face directly, allowing her to see the perfect profile of the man in front of her, with his high nose, firm chin and sharp, focused eyes looking straight ahead.

-No, I have no problem.....

The two hooligans suddenly flinched, the man's eyes, majestic and domineering, penetrated with coldness, as if a single glance could crush them....

The rain continued, and the two hooligans saw that the situation was not in their favor and wanted to leave, but considered that the woman must be lying, so they stayed a little more to the side, watching, but without leaving.

Carlos' mouth curved into a slight smile and he turned to open the car door.

-Honey, get in!

Micaela blushed with embarrassment at his endearment, he had said it so matter-of-factly!

Looking at him, he had an umbrella in one hand, and with the other resting on the car door, his deep-set eyes looking at her and a slight smile at the corner of his lips.

Micaela looked away, feeling as if her heart was beating faster.

Seeing that the shaven man and his friend were still standing on the side of the street, Micaela gritted her teeth and climbed into her car.

Carlos's smile intensified as he closed the door and climbed up the other side, picked up the umbrella and closed the door in one fluid motion.

Micaela had been surprised as soon as she got into the car.

The interior was also very luxurious.

Spacious enough to have a small fridge, a table and a laptop.

The seats were leather, even the carpet underfoot looked expensive!

As she was soaking wet, water immediately puddled under her feet, Micaela was getting more and more nervous.

Diego started the car to begin the trip.

-Thank you very much, I'm sorry I got your car wet... aish!

Before the words were out of her mouth, a sneeze came out uncontrollably.

Then she felt the man's distinctive breath hit her body and a warmth flooded her.

Micaela fixed her eyes on a black blazer covering her, leaving the man sitting next to her with only a white shirt on.

-No need, I'll get it wet....

-Put it on.

Carlos' orders could not be denied.

Micaela bit her lip and said:

-Thank you...

Carlos looked in the rearview mirror in front of him and fixed his eyes on Diego's, who immediately turned on the car's heater.

"Sir, there are bath towels in the back seat?

Of course, your jacket is definitely warmer."

Diego silently swallowed what he wanted to say and asked another question.

-Sir, are we still going to the Estencell Hotel?

-No," Carlos said in a cold voice.

The fact that this woman did not recognize him at all made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

She reached over and grabbed a towel from the back shelf, then sat down next to him and rubbed it over his wet head....

Diego was so shocked that he looked straight ahead and stopped looking in the rearview mirror, thinking to himself, "What's wrong with Mr. Aguayo today, he's been doing weird things one after another!".


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