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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 : But I can't even get close to him a little bit....

Ernesto looked towards Carlos with surprise, and the other said nothing. With his silence he admitted it.

That was a fact.

The first time when he had met Micaela that night at the hotel, he had kicked Roberto, but he had not thought of doing anything else to that man. However, when he gradually realized his feelings for Micaela, half a month after the incident he planned to bankrupt the man.

Carlos would never allow anyone to touch a hair on his wife's head!

At the door of the VIP room, Leonardo and the general manager of Celotierra entered, along with a waitress who would not stop crying.

The CEO made a small bow to Carlos as he entered the room:

-Mr. Aguayo, we are very sorry for the inconvenience, we did not expect this to happen, we will take care of all the expenses today....

-Shut up," Ernesto interrupted his sentence loudly, "nobody cares about the expenses, what you have to take care of is today's incident! Where are the suspects?

-Yes yes yes yes, you are absolutely right. We have already sent people to look for the suspect all over the hotel, we can assure you that not a fly will escape!

Then the manager pulled the waitress forward:

-We have already arrested the people who had cheated!

Micaela and Olivia approached with their faces full of tears.

The waitress fell at Carlos' feet because of the director's strong pull. Due to the fear she felt she was crying more and more, between sobs she said:

-I'm very sorry sir, but I didn't lie to you with intention.....

Carlos looked at the woman on the floor with an expressionless face.

It was this woman!

If it wasn't for this woman, I would surely have gone into the sink to confirm it. Then that wouldn't happen to Micaela!

Carlos said nothing, he just looked at the director with a penetrating gaze.

The director wiped some sweat from his face, spoke in a louder tone:

-Open your eyes wide and see clearly! All the people in this room are great people of Teladia. Tell me honestly, why did you lie?

The woman panicked and shook her head.

-I didn't lie. When I got out of the elevator I really saw a woman who wanted to get into the elevator. The description of her body and height matched what this man indicated....

The woman cried pitifully, it didn't look like a lie.

Micaela felt sorry for her and said to Carlos:

-Maybe she is telling the truth, it was just a coincidence?

Carlos frowned and looked at the director and said:

-Show me the video surveillance!

-Yes sir, I'll set it up right away!

The director left immediately to get everything ready.

Leonardo suddenly asked:

-Do you still remember what that person looked like?

The waitress thought and answered:

-She must be about 20 years old, she was wearing a nice white dress and carrying a hat.....

Leonardo began to have a bad feeling.

At that moment, some hotel employees came in. They looked at the director, then at Carlos who, as he had a powerful countenance, did not dare to approach, so they stayed at the door and said looking at his feet:

-Chief, we have already checked the whole hotel, there is no one suspicious.

As soon as they finished the words, the atmosphere worsened....

Micaela pulled Carlos' arm a little and said:

-Maybe just by chance, the woman came to eat and left. Mr. Gallo is bankrupt, that's why he is mentally unstable. I recently went out to take a call and had the bad luck to run into him. Maybe it's not such a complicated thing. Besides, I'm fine now, aren't I?

Carlos looked at Micaela, he didn't say yes or no. He was tired. The woman's tiredness was evident on her face. Since they did not find the suspect and the surveillance could also be watched from home, Carlos addressed everyone:


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