Hot, hard muscles… the sensation traveled from her fingertips, up along her arm, and all the way down her spine.
She was touching a man. Her heart was throbbing violently, like a ping-pong ball. She felt thrilled, horrified, frightened, perplexed…
It was going to happen to her all over again… just like five years ago!
Since she couldn’t fight him off, the only thing she could do was catch hold of his lip between her teeth… and bite down on it, hard.
With a sharp grunt of pain, Jasper released her, and drew back to see her bruised, swollen lips speckled with spit and foam. Her large, dark eyes shimmered with tears.
She was broken and forlorn, but she was also such a beautiful woman.
He wanted nothing more than to keep her safe forever.
Eyes wide with panicked fright, Willow scrambled backwards, trying to get away from him.
But his strong hands were on her shoulders, restraining her and keeping her from wriggling away from him. Escape was a futile notion.
After a moment more of thrashing about, Willow glared up at him and shrieked, “You let go of me, Jasper Hughes! Creeping into my room in the dead of the night, laying your hands on me without permission… don’t you know this is against the law?!”
Why did he keep coming on to her like this? Forcing himself onto her, even though she didn’t want it…
Jasper reached up with one hand and touched his lip. His thumb glistened wetly with fresh blood.
Well, this was just great! She’d actually bitten through his lip!
This wench was quite the bitch—in the literal sense of the word—what with her fondness for biting people…
His expression grew cold. With that new hint of crimson upon his features, he now exuded a sinister sort of appeal.
His thin lips curled into a slight frown. “You seem to be mistaken,” he said softly, “This is my room. Here you are, in my bedroom, on my bed… what else was I to make of this situation?”
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