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My Four Miraculous Treasures novel Chapter 67

It was bad enough that Samantha was often rude to her Aunt Helen… but to do that in front of outsiders, as well? Willow wouldn’t allow it.

Helen was a kindly soul, and certainly no gambler. If she wasn’t tending the fields, then she’d be in the vegetable garden. She was always hard at work.

Playing cards, indeed… Aunt Helen didn’t know a single thing about cards!

Seeing which way the conversation was going, Samantha’s heart was now running out of control!

No! Willow was going to say that her children were out playing with Helen!

Samantha was about to faint from anxiety.

But Willow only said, “Aunt Helen has gone out. She’s not here right now.”

Next, she said, “Mr Jasper, why don’t you have a seat? I’ll fetch a cabbage from the garden, and make you some cabbage soup.”

Willow pulled over a chair for him. It was very dusty, and strewn with cobwebs.

Really, why had Jasper been so determined to come in here? Willow had no idea.

Shouldn’t Samantha’s boyfriend go hang out at Samantha’s house?

Maybe he and Samantha wanted to make fun of her for being so poor?

Were they going to make fun of her Aunt Helen, too?

She thought Samantha was a horrible person. Ever since Willow discovered her cousin’s true colors, she’d avoided Samantha. Who knew what else that woman might try to do to her?

She was giving Jasper a dirty chair on purpose. Look at him, all clean and fancy, pampered little rich boy… he’d never sit down on this!

“You can’t seriously mean to serve cabbage soup to a fine gentleman like Mr Jasper! Sir, you’re most welcome to come over to my place instead! I’ve been doing well for myself, and now my family lives in a handsome mansion, with magnificent marble floors! Meanwhile, these people are still crawling around in the dirt!” Samantha was ready to say anything in order to get Jasper away from Willow.


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