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My Heart only Beats for You (Natalie Godfrey) novel Chapter 2484

After a while, Ruth reentered the ward and reported back to Yesseca about the bakery's performance.

During the whole process, she laughed as she talked, even expressed her views on the bakery's future and how she looked forward to it.

A pleased look appeared briefly in Yesseca's eyes when she heard this.

She opened her mouth to speak. Due to her illness, her voice was not as clear as it used to be, it now carried a hoarse undertone, "Ruth, I knew I was right about you. Look, you're bringing the bakery to greater heights."

If it were in the past, Ruth would definitely say that no matter how great she was it was all because Yesseca personally took care of her or something along those lines.

But this time, Ruth didn't deny it.

She replied with utmost confidence instead, "Yesseca, you were definitely right! Don't worry, I will make this bakery even better than before! For standing in front of you is the future female president!"

Yesseca was deeply amused.

She was very happy though to see Ruth being this confident.

Preslie cut in then, "Me too! Yesseca, it's not just Ruth. I'm also the future female president."

Yesseca laughed, "Yes, yes, yes, all of you are."

There was another burst of laughter in the ward.

Outside, Selina and Matthew stopped in their tracks.

"The three of them are having a good chat." Selina said to her husband, "Let's go in later so that we won't disturb them."

Matthew happily agreed and the two ambled along down the corridor.

As they walked, Selina voiced out, "Do you know? I'm not that sad anymore. It's probably because when I saw how calm Yesseca was, it suddenly came to me. Life isn't always about its duration; if Yesseca could spend the last of her days happily, this proves that she's content with things as they are. I shouldn't make her unhappy by showing my miserable face all the time. Moreover..."

Selina sniffled, "I think, Yesseca's biggest wish must be after she goes, that we would live a happy life."


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