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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 5




To wake up wet and smell like a cow, shit! Fuck! Oh yeah, I smell.


Because I had a nightmare that was so obvious. It wasn’t a real nightmare but for me, it was like that. I fucking dreamed of my dad fucking my ass!


Fuck! Yeah, Dave is my stepfather legally so he was still my dad. He raised me since I was eight years old and for ten years I was fucking calling him dad or father.


What happened to my fucking sanity? I had no idea. Since I turned into a blooming teenager and became hot with big boobs, everything inside my head and inside my body changed.


I should have stopped my imagination and daydreaming.


But what the fuck did he say last night? Fuck! He fucked my mom like a dom! He knew that I was peeking at both of them. He knew that I followed them upstairs.


Maybe he was the one who dragged me subconsciously to their room. Yeah, he must have thrown some spell or maybe he had powerful magic hidden and we didn’t know about that supernatural power.


Fuck! I’m in a big mess and going insane. I needed to see a physiatrist. Yes, I needed that.


Or maybe I just needed a boyfriend and dick to fuck me?!


I guess I should try both. It’s just illusions. Dave for sure didn’t say anything to me last night. He was just talking to my mom that’s all.


Oh, I’m so envious. She got a man with the full package, handsome and rich and with a fucking huge dick.


I snapped at myself to wake up and stop thinking. I rolled in my bed then I stood up, snorting angrily because I was late again and I just remembered that Jack will drive me to school.


And yes, I got his text message. Babe, I’m waiting downstairs.


I stretched my arms and yawned, hardily dragging my feet to the bathroom, then suddenly I widened my eyes when I realized that Jack said he was waiting for me downstairs. I screamed and hopped inside the bathtub to take a very fucking fast shower. The water was so cold and I screamed.


I dried my body with the towel in a rush and jumped into my school clothes then rushed down the stairs like crazy.


Until I bumped into a hard chest. I raised my head up and smiled awkwardly to Dave who was sneering and clenching his teeth angrily. “Good morning dad.”


Dave made a toothy, yellow smile. “Good morning daughter,” he said, teasing me.


I coughed and turned to Jack who was waiting and talking with my mom. “Jack, sorry for making you wait for too long. Let’s go.” I pulled his arm and dragged him out of the house in a hurry after I placed a soft kiss on my mother’s cheeks.


Jack stopped me. “Wait a minute.”


I gulped and stared at him nervously. “What is it? Something wrong with my hair?” I checked myself quickly.


He shook his head and smiled then leaned to my cheeks and kissed me softly and slowly, making my face bloody red from embarrassment. “Babe, you look adorable. I just…” Jack paused and then trailed off “I was freaking out yesterday when I thought that you had a boyfriend! But when I discovered that he was your dad it was a relief. So…” Jack bit the corner of his mouth, glaring at me.


I glanced at Dave to only see a dangerous facial expression that made me want to run away fast.


I wanted to end this situation and all of sudden, I blurted out, “Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend Jack.”


Fuck! What the hell did I just say?! Dave will kill me now.


No, he won’t. He is not my boyfriend. He is just my father.


Oh yes, even so,, he said clearly that I’m not allowed to have a boyfriend.


No, he said that I’m not allowed to lose my virginity.


Oh yes, that's nice. Then I can at least kiss my boyfriend.



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