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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121

She said this looking at Sandra to see if she would show any fear only for her to continue enjoying her food. This angered both of them so much that they Left without even paying for their orders. Sandra finished her food in peace not caring about how angry the other two were. The people who work in the restaurant felt pity for her she has made an enemy she will never defeat. They did not bather to ask for the money for their orders it’s best not to get involved.

When they reached outside, Bright told Kendrick, “I want to get all the information about that girl immediately”. Kendrick was so happy, this idiot is going to regret to have mess with Bright Gomez. Even the principal has to give her some face who does she think she is?. She called her private investigator and told him to get all the information about a girl. Since they did not know Sandra’s name they could only look around to see if there was any student around. To their luck, Suzan just happened to be passing around.

They called her which surprised her a lot. All the students at the university knows how arrogant Bright Gomez and her friends were so she was surprised that they called her. She came scared even though she still tried to act brave making Bright and Kendrick roll their eyes and thought, “what an idiot if it was not for the fact that they wanted to get information about that girl immediately they would never have called her or talked to her in this life time”.

They asked her, “did you the girl who just went out the restaurant right now?, do you know her name”. Suzan tried to remember if she saw anyone right until she remembered seeing Sandra coming out of the restaurant right. She looked at them wondering what they want from her?, are they also obsessed with Sandra’s beauty?, but based on Bright’s arrogance she will never lower her dignity so the only remaining possibility is that she has offended them. Now she became interested, she told them, “she’s called Sandra smith, she’s exchange student from City A university”.

“Oh!, that’s why she did not know them”, they thought but that does not change that they will make her pay. They left Suzan without even saying thank you. She was so angry but she could not argue with them. The last thing she wants is being on their bad side.


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