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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122

“Ha, ha, ha”, Both Natasha and Deborah could not hold there laughter. They said, “she will never find out since she’s not on any school group and even if she finds out she may not care about it”. “Huh!, What kind of human being is she?”. However in the end they told her. After hearing what they said, Sandra asked, “does that stop any of you from finishing your class tasks?” “huh!,” They did not know what to do especially Betty who has never been with her for so long.

If it was her she will report that anonymous person to the police to handle everything. But Sandra was different she did not even lift her phone to see what was happening, she just asked them a question and continued typing. She sigh and wished to be like her.

When teacher Abby came to the class, she announced that they will be having a speech from the principal to welcome to C city university at midday. All the students became eager and happy, at least they were going to be welcomed as the way they deserve and they can see other students. Some girls took their mirrors out and began putting on makeup. They wanted to look presentable and beautiful. They have heard of the seniors of this university to be handsome and coming from good families so they wanted to use this time to leave a good impression.

Only Sandra and her group did not change or even care about this meeting if they had a chance they would escape to their hostels. They laughed at their own thoughts. It’s has just been months since they became friends and in touch with Sandra but now they are becoming like her, since when did they not care about attending school activities especially when it involves the principal.

At noon, the entire hall was full. You could not even find where to put your leg. It’s not because the students wanted to be here but because they had no choice it was the principal who was going to speak if they get on his wrong side, they may not be able to finish their college degree let alone their PHD. The principal was known as a man of few words but many actions. So they would never wish to anger him.

On time the principal came on stage, he began giving his speech. He welcomed the exchange students and told them to feel free now they’re C city university students whatever they do will always represent them. He asked the old students to be warm and show them around. When he speaks you may think he has the best temper. Half way through his speech he was interrupted by some noise he turned around to see who he was who does not fear him.

When he looked in the direction, he saw Sandra standing up, he did not see her face so he asked, “what do you think you’re doing, how can you interrupt my speech?”. Seeing that it’s the knew student who has been trending on the school forum some girls could not stop them selves from cursing, “she thinks that the guys won’t see her if she’s not standing what a pity they don’t go for poor people”. She did not bather to answer them she just looked at the principal and said, “I’m going outside do you have any problem with that?” she ended asking making everyone present loss for words. They did not expect her to answer back like that to the principal. They turned to look at the principal to see if he was angry. Sure enough his face was dark and he looked like he was about to faint any minute. They felt sorry for Sandra and said rip to her studies forever.


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