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My Lady Chef novel Chapter 62

Ezran's POV:

Crimson Fields, near Guthrie Kingdom

3 months have passed.

And yet I do not see an end to this war. My war council had estimated that the greedy king Cherno Gales II will continue to hold on until his very last breath which meant that this siege would last for a year.

Usually, I would relish such a challenge and I still do but my army beat back Cherno's forces back to their walled capital a month ago and initiated a lockdown on the entire city.

I knew what was to come next.

A siege was the only way to go. Starve the inhabitants of the city or look for any cracks in their wall defenses and send a few men in to open the gates and we could storm in.

But that fool Cherno was stubborn and was determined to wait it out. Inept as he was; his capital's infrastructure was solidly built and without cracks compared to the rundown villages and towns we had to subdue to drive his army back.

"Your Grace, let me clean up here." Hughes bowed as I came back from our latest skirmish.

A group of assassins from Guthrie thought to ambush me to end the war during our last march but their efforts were wasted.

My aide helped me take off my bloody chainmail and mithril shirt. My gloves had to be cut off because it was ruined and had to be replaced. He efficiently helped me wash and dress in a simple tunic and pants before taking my soiled clothing out of my tent.

After that, I sat down to relay my report to the Military Office that receives every war report before relaying it to His Highness and the Council of Lords.

I sealed the letter and had my falcon fly with it just in time because my aide came back and he was wearing a smile as he left two letters for me. The script on one of the letters made my heart skip a beat.

It was a letter from my wife.

Hughes left me alone as I opened the contents of the letter and smiled when the first words of her elegant script.

I must say that I was impressed with her penmanship. Most noble ladies at the capital do not write as articulately as hers.

As a lady from the North, I half expected her penmanship to be simple when it comes to writing a letter but the elegant curves and loops of her letters were very pleasing to the eye.


{Dear Ez,

The heat here has ended and the weather has now become a bit colder.

Linda has been asking me to do some shopping for fall clothes and gowns which is the last thing on my mind.}

Laughed at the way she wrote this one. Noble ladies usually cannot get enough of purchasing the latest fashions and accessories. That was the very reason my clothing and textile businesses are thriving despite the wars we wage.

Could she get any adorable?

{To calm her down; I promised to set aside a few days of shopping. Ugh.

How are things going with the siege?

I heard that the King of Guthrie has retreated to his capital and has been sending assassin attempts at you and your men. Please take caution and protect yourself well.

I have started making a few new food items for Pierce to approve of before we open up our very first cafe in the third district. I want to make sure that it becomes a success.

When you come home, I will cook them for you.

Please take care of yourself okay?

- Your wife, Alaina}


"Ely...Ahhh I want to see her again." I sighed as I held the letter to my lips before placing it inside a box under my desk drawer before opening Pierce's letter to me.

It was a business proposal complete with a draft of the cafe for the third district along with a sample menu and the design for the structure, cooking items, and even optional uniforms.

I know my secretary and as good as he is with negotiations and handling investors and business. This creative and flawless proposal plan is not from him.


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