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My Lady Chef novel Chapter 78

*(Update to my lovely readers. I'll be using the term mana spirits or sprites whenever the FL is interacting with Undine or Igneus. Pls note the both terms mean the same thing. Thanks!)

Ely's POV:

I took inventory of what little foodstuff survived in the larders and storage rooms.

A perishable food items were recycled as slop or feed for the animals while flour, salt, sugar and other none perishable foods were noted and kept.

The people the duke left to help us were young and eager. Lorelei and I discussed how to stock the food and decided to keep all perishables in the larder since they have a cool temperature while the none perishables are kept at the storage.

Because I was decisive and knew how to categorize supplies properly, we finished organizing everything around afternoon.

"Phew. I am in need for a nice cup of tea or even water for that matter." My friend used a dainty handkerchief to wipe the moisture from her brow as Kain gave me my own cloth to wipe my sweat.

"Miladies, the duke has tasked me to show you to your rooms." A huge knight with a kind yet weathered face bowed to us. His eyes saw our set of neatly stocked rooms and nodded. "It seems like we will be in good hands. You did a good job organizing. Please. Follow me."

After we bid farewell to the men who helped out. We passed by the other storage area which was more spacious and easy to store food.

Lady Lorax had demanded to use the best storage room for her food so she took this place.

From the sounds of her yelling and constant men shuffling in and out of the place.

It seems like she was a handful and very loud, her shrill words of irritation and outrage at a few broken bottle of wine made us giggle softly as we passed by it.

"As your person is given to the duke's care. We prepared and had the room cleaned that is at the end of the first floor. The duke is the only one remaining here but his room is on the other end of this hall." He opened the door that was guarded by two warriors.

The room was pristine. Our trunks and luggage were being brought out by two maids and hung in the closets opposite of the two beds with feather stuffed covers.

There was a nice table where we can take tea, a window and cushion seat where we can look at the activity happening in the outer court yard.

The floor was polished and bare of any carpets or rungs but this was rather nice.

"I'll leave you two ladies to get settled in. If you need anything; ask for me. My name is Sir Oswald and it is a pleasure to meet you two."

We bowed to the older knight and seems pleased with our manners as he let himself out.

I asked Kain to stand guard by the door while Lorelei relaxed and threw herself at the left side bed.

"The duke must have had this cleaned in haste. Pretty simple but the room is quite big for 2 ladies." she laid her head against the pillow and sighed. "Finally! A soft bed!"

"Why don't you take a nap? Dinner service is five hours away." I went over and helped my friend into bed and stroked her brow until she fell asleep.

Now then, time to investigate the kitchens and see what will be served to the army for dinner.

Hopefully it is something edible. I saw the devastated buildings and the cracked streets.


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