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My Mirror Image by Maybe Not (Candice And Alex’s) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 0022 

The news of Candice’s transfer out of the CEO’s office spread like wildfire within the company

There were a number of colleagues who tried to get more details from her, and they had been swarming her the whole morning

Fortunately, her detached personality was widely known and it successfully kept her nosy colleagues away

She had just assumed her new position, so there were a lot of handovers. She did not have time to head outside for lunch, so she simply filled her stomach at the 


When she got into the elevator, she ran into Sonia and the other secretaries from her previous department, gossiping

The secretaries were keeneyed. They knew Alex had abandoned Candice, which strengthened Sonia’s position, so they started to flatter Sonia

Candice entered the elevator without showing any emotions

The others in the elevator felt a little awkward and they instinctively lowered 

their voices

Sonia glanced at her and acted like she owned the elevator. She asked meekly, Candice, how are you doing out there? I asked Alex and he said you are more needed elsewhere now. He’ll transfer you back at a later date.” 

If there was no obvious delight in between her lines, it would have sounded sincere

Candice coldly hummed a reply

She did not mind if Alex did not transfer her back, since it would be the same 

wherever she worked

Sonia thought she had won the war, the glorious smile on her face was showing

Aether Corporation was a fastpaced company

Before Candice got off work, she received a lastminute request to attend a social meeting with a client

Alcohol was inevitable at social meetings but Candice was still on her period

When she arrived, the client was already there


+15 BONOS 

She was skilled at handling the client. After a few drinks, the deal was sealed and both parties were satisfied with the results

Candice’s body then began to react to the alcohol she had ingested. She excused herself to go to the toilet, and as she was leaving the room, she bumped into the person next door

Jackson’s unique scent was highly recognizable

Candice looked up when she picked up the scent and it surprised Jackson as well

He asked, What are you doing here?” 

I have a meeting with a client,Candice said

Jackson picked up the alcohol stench from her body. He frowned in silence

Excuse me.” 

Candice started to walk away, but she accidentally caught a glimpse of the door crack behind Jackson

Alex was sitting inside, looking relaxed

Sonia was not around. Maybe she was absent or she was excused

No wonder Jackson would ask Candice what she was doing here

He probably assumed she was here to pick Alex up, like always

She quickly retracted her gaze and nodded at Jackson before she headed to the 


Jackson went out for a call. When he returned to the room, someone else said, Alex, come on. Tonight’s the boysnight out, how can you leave so soon?” 

Alex was calmly looking at his phone. He said, “She’s working late. I’ll just send her something and I’ll be back.” 

There is no way you are coming back,Sieg whistled and teased him


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