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My Mirror Image by Maybe Not (Candice And Alex’s) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 0037 

Kayla was reluctant to 

int to give her consent

Everyone at Aether Corporation knew about the relationship between Candice and Sonia, yet this fact did not seem to trouble Candice as 

she collected the papers and headed upstairs

She was lucky. Sonia and Julle were in the restroom when she arrived upstairs, allowing Candice to bring the documents straight to Alex

Alex exhibited mild surprise at her arrival in his office, raising his eyebrows slightly

Handing over the documents, Candice reminded him. These need your signature.” 

Alex accepted and began to sign them without delay

Candice observed him. Her eyelashes trembled slightly

The foremost lesson he had taught her was the importance of scrutinizing contracts, insisting she should always examine them closely. even if they came from a familiar source

Midway through signing, Alex casually inquired, How’s your foot injury?” 

Candice replied softly, Almost healed.” 

Will you be able to join the teambuilding event?” 


As Alex completed the signing and returned the papers to her, Candice prepared to leave. But then he added, Stop by the finance department to get your reimbursement for the medical expenses.” 

Candice paused, turning to look at him

After a brief silence, he explained. Someone posted a video online. The company plans to leverage your injury for public relations.” 

His eyes were dimly lit and displayed no emotion as they gazed at Candice

Candice slowly opened her mouth, speaking gently after a moment. I thought you would at least ask if it hurts.” 

Alex’s hand which was holding the pan, paused at her question. He offered, Compensation can be doubled, and paid leave is also 



Exiting Alex’s office, Candice encountered Sonla and Julie

Sonia, noticing her departure from Alex’s office, displayed a mix of discomfort and wariness in her eyes, yet managed a forced smile. asking, Candice, what’s your reason for being here?” 

Candice merely glanced at her and continued on her way

With no response from Candice, Sonia clenched her lips and retreated to her desk

held at a hot 

Aether Corporation’s teambuilding activity was held at a hot spring resort

Alex approved the plan. The corporation reserved the entire resort for the function over the weekend

Everyone on the secretarial team was thrilled when they heard the news; such grandeur was uncommon even at Aether Corporation. Soon, word got out that Sonia was behind the planning. The internal chat groups buzzed with excitement. Those flatterers even began referring to Sonia as the boss’s wife.” 

Sonia, swamped by attention, sent gifts to everyone, along with a formal message wishing a delightful weekend, echoing the tone of at 

boss’s wife

I on the teambuilding agenda, where Sonia had merely altered a game and carried her mug to the pantry

Candice reflected on 

+15 BONUS 

Likely on a workrelated task, Sonia had gone downstairs and engaged in conversation with someone from the finance department

I’m so grateful to you for being able to visit the hot spring resort this time. It’s the first time in my years at Aether Corporation to enjoy such a privilege at the hot spring resort,the deputy director of the finance department expressed his gratitude with a smide

I heard you planned this teambuilding activity.” 

Sonia had a lovely smile on her face. She was naturally chubby, which made her look more likable. Her silence seemed to affirm that claim 

as she neither confirmed nor denied it

Candice, with a neutral expression, entered the pantry and poured water into her cup

Upon noticing Candice, Sonia’s smile momentarily froze

Silently, Candice filled her cup and was about to leave when she overheard a contemptuous comment, With Candice in charge, we never visited such upscale places. Thankfully, you’re around. After all, you’re practically the boss’s wife.” 

Candice did not catch Sonia’s reply, focusing instead on returning to her desk to gather her belongings

The teambuilding was set for the weekend, with everyone meeting at the office to board a bus for the trip

Candice ran into Alex as she was leaving

Alex gave her a sidelong glance but did not offer her a ride

She arrived roughly fifteen minutes after Alex

He was an expert driver who could go quickly and steadily, but Candice’s commute had taken several extra minutes due to a traffic jam

The company had organized five buses, and Candice found a seat next to Kayla

Kayla, not particularly keen on bus travel, looked enviously at Sonia and mused. When will I get to ride in a Maybach?” 

Sonia stated she was too sick to take the bus because of her motion sickness. Consequently, Alex drove her in his luxurious multimillion- dollar Maybach

Candice diverted her attention from them to her phone, where Jackson had sent her a video of his Ragdoll.cat

As she bowed her head to view her phone, she missed the glance Alex directed her way

Alex barely glimpsed her profile, maintaining a neutral, unreadable expression

Lex? Are you listening to me?” Sonia gripped his arm, her tone pleading and pitiful

Redirecting his focus to Sonia, Alex paused briefly before responding. What is it?” 

I was asking if my outfit looks good today?Sonia tugged at her dress, looking expectantly at Alex

It looks good on you.Alex answered promptly

After that, Sonia perked up, linked arms with Alex, and confidently strode past the buses

Candice’s gaze shifted back from her phone to the departing figures of Alex and Sonia, noticing Alex carefully holding Sonia’s hand

The hot spring resort was nestled halfway up a mountain

It was already midday when they arrived

Candice and Kayla enjoyed lunch together before returning to their room for some rest

As they were settling in, they overheard colleagues outside inquiring if anyone was interested in a hiking trip

Candice, nursing a recovering ankle injury, chose not to participate

Waking from her nap, she found the resort unusually quiet


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