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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Through the gap in the door, George could see that Adina was peeling an apple for Harold.

The atmosphere in the ward was too warm. George pursed his lips and decided not to go in.

He could feel that Adina was sincere toward Harold, at least at that moment.

He turned around and was about to leave when he noticed that Dew had arrived outside the ward.

“Mom, why are you here?” George asked in surprise. Dew stared at the scene in the ward for a long time before she looked away.

She held George’s hand and spoke in a low and cold voice. “It’s not suitable for us to talk here. Let’s chat outside.”

George nodded and got into a car with Dew.

“George, you saw it yourself just now. Your dad is actually okay with letting Adina take care of Harold alone. If she poisons Harold’s food, he’ll…” Dew covered her lips. “Harold hates me, and he doesn’t want to see me in the ward. Otherwise, I would’ve rushed inside and chased Adina out.” George looked up and calmly said, “Adina won’t poison Harold. Mom, don’t overthink it.” “George, has that woman bewitched you too?” Dew glared at him and said in disbelief. “I grew up with Adina, and she’s good at putting people under a spell. She’s the best at being hypocritical. She wants to use your trust to exact revenge on me! George, I’ve already lost Harold. I can’t lose you.”

George was level-headed. “I’m your son, so you’ll never lose me.”

His words made Dew feel more frightened.

She grabbed George’s shoulders with great force. “George, I’m terrified. I’m scared that she’ll bewitch you, Harold, and your father. I’m scared that she’ll successfully marry your father. I’m scared that she’ll replace me as your mother. I always have nightmares, and I’m always awakened by these nightmares in the middle of the night. I’m really terrified.”

She sobbed as she spoke. George stared at her coldly for two minutes before he felt that his indifference was not very appropriate. He took a pack of tissues and handed it to her. “Mom, don’t cry.” Dew was not lying

She had been having nightmares lately.


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