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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 227

Chapter 227 Adina initially did not want to go. She would take her children out every weekend and put work aside. “Mom, I‘ll look after Mel. You can relax and go ahead.” Alden smiled faintly. “Please come back early.” Melody was practicing the piano obediently, and Adina really did not have to worry about her.

She caressed her children‘s heads and changed before she left with Duke.

As soon as the car disappeared from the entrance, Alden went upstairs and took out the laptop that he had hidden under the bed.

He opened a social media webpage. When he logged in, he found that he had received many messages.

The messages had been sent by K, and they were all filled with nonsense.

Alden tapped on the keyboard and quickly sent Ka sentence. (Uncle, last year, you mentioned that you wanted to form a studio of hackers. How did that turn out?] K: [A hacker studio without you would be soulless, so I gave up on the thought.] Sir Daugherty: (I agree to join.] K: [Damn! Have you finally made up your mind? Didn‘t you say that your mom disagrees with your job as a hacker? But don‘t mind me saying this. You‘re a man. If you‘re too obedient to your mom, you‘ll look like a momma‘s boy. Women wouldn‘t like a man like that.] Sir Daugherty: (If you keep talking crap, I‘ll establish my own studio without you.]

K: [Okay, I‘m sorry.]




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