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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256

He abruptly floored the gas pedal as he held the steering wheel and drifted aggressively.

“Hey, have you lost your mind?” Brenden scrambled for the handle. “This is the main road. Drive slowly! Slowly! Ah!”

The car charged down the road and quickly overtook Adina’s car.

Adina frowned

Why was Duke speeding? Even if they arrived at the preschool right now, class would not be dismissed yet.

Besides, there was a speed limit on the road. Was he trying to help the traffic police out with their KPI?

A black car was parked outside Golden Sun International Bilingual Preschool. Ava was surrounded by a few people, and she dealt with them while she felt incredibly stressed. “Mr. Osborne, even if you’re Alden and Melody’s biological father, you can’t see them right now. We have to take responsibility for the children on their guardian’s behalf.” Ava took a deep breath and said, “If you insist on meeting the kids, please contact Alden’s mother. If their mother agrees, I’ll bring the kids out immediately.” Tyson took a step back and allowed his lawyer to move forward.

“The law states that parents have visitation rights, and no one can deny a child’s parents visitation rights. If you stop Mr. Osborne from visiting his kids, you’ll violate at least three acts. If this recorded conversation gets exposed, this preschool will be under heavy criticism from the public, and that would be the least of it. If we decide to call the police, you’ll be arrested by the police for investigation,” Victor said indifferently.

Ava’s face turned pale.

She was just a young lady in her early twenties. She had never experienced such a situation before.

However, she remembered the call that Adina had made. No matter what, she would not hand the children to this man.

Victor resumed. “Ms. Jones, if you insist on stopping a father from visiting his kids, we will have to take some extreme measures.”

He waved his hand, and two bodyguards walked over from behind him.

Ava was so scared that her legs were trembling.


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