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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 311

Chapter 311

Adina stopped at the entrance of the mansion Before she got out of her car, she saw Colin standing outside the fence, and Harold was beside him

She pursed her red lips and opened the door.

“Auntie Adina…”

Harold stood there. He hesitated to move and looked at her with his teary eyes

In the past, whenever he saw her, he would hurriedly run over to her

However, this time, he did not move at all, as if he was afraid of her

Adina felt a sharp pain in her heart. The sour feeling slowly faded away

“Harold, what happened…?”

Right after she spoke, Harold interrupted her, “Auntie Adina, can you call me Hal instead…?”

There was a hint of yearning in his voice.

Adina’s heart finally softened. She sighed and said, “Hal, what are you doing here so late?”

“I miss you…” Harold said as tears streamed uncontrollably down his face. “Auntie Adina, you can hit me, or scold me, but you cannot ignore me…”

Even with tears streaming down his face uncontrollably, he did not dare to cry out loud. He bit his lower lip, trying to suppress his tears.

Melody, who was sitting in the car, was not sure what was happening. She instantly ran towards Harold and lifted his face to wipe his tears.


Harold held Mel’s hand. His eyes finally lit up again. “Go and wash your face.” Adina approached Harold and held his hand. “Come, let’s go in.”

Harold felt aggrieved as he looked at the hand that held his hand.

‘Back then, Auntie Adina used to treat me really well. Why the change? What happened…?! “Mom, I’ll help to clean Harold’s up,” Alden took the initiative and spoke softly and in a well behaved manner.

Harold resisted, but Alden leaned over to his ears and whispered, “Don’t you want to know why my mother stopped coming to your house?” Harold looked up instantly. He bit his lower lip and said, “Auntie, Auntie, Alden will help me clean up.” Adina felt upset seeing Harold’s teary eyes. She needed some time alone. So, she patted their heads before turning and heading toward the kitchen. Alden pushed the washroom door open. Harold closed the door behind him after he walked in.

“Alden, tell me what happened!” Harold asked pressingly.

Alden raised his gaze and looked at him calmly, “Because you’re Dew Daugherty’s son.”


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