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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 331

Chapter 331


Duke received a text message on his phone. The system notified him that someone had sent him an email.

He switched on his computer and downloaded the attachment. Soon, a surveillance video was added to his hard drive.

It was part of the surveillance of the corridor on Grand Emperor Hotel’s eighteenth floor from five years ago. The compressed video had ten minutes of footage.

The lighting in the corridor was very dim, and service assistants would walk back and forth from time to time. At 1.00 am, two women appeared in the corridor.

Although the image was blurry, Duke recognized them as Adina and Dew.

Adina was clearly drunk. Dew supported her while

they walked into the corridor, and they soon stopped in front of a room.

The room door opened, and Dew supported Adina inside.

The video abruptly stopped at this point.

Duke narrowed his eyes before he gave Trent another call.

Trent’s voice was filled with laziness. “What is it this time?”

“The surveillance stops at 2.00 am. What about the footage after that?”

“Oh, I remember. My assistant said that the hard disk’s capacity was limited, so they only kept the surveillance videos for the first half of the night. The remaining footage has been automatically formatted.”

Duke’s gaze darkened. “Is it possible to get it back?”

“The new surveillance video directly occupies the memory of the previous video. Even a top hacker won’t be able to recover it.” Trent yawned. “Duke, why do you want to look at surveillance from five years ago? Don’t you know who you slept with? If you really don’t know, you can reminisce with a few more women. I guarantee you’ll be able to recall it immediately.”

Duke hung up.

He leaned on the chair as he stared at the scene on his computer screen.

The scene was paused. Adina and Dew were standing outside a room, and the room number could not be clearly seen.

He had already forgotten what happened that night five years ago, but his instincts told him that something seemed off...

Was Dew truly the one that night?

Dew had done a maternity test with the boys, so that meant Dew was really their mother.

He had only slept with one woman in his entire life, and he had done it that night in a daze. Aside from Dew, who else could it be?

He should not have been hallucinating.

Duke closed his eyes and suppressed the various guesses he had.

On Saturday, the sky was bright, and the wind in late autumn was filled with warmth.


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