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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 380

Chapter 380

She took out a knife from nowhere before she pointed it at George’s chin.

Adina’s hand immediately froze.

She was preparing to subdue Dew when she was not paying attention. She was not expecting Dew to have a weapon.

It looked like she had to ruin her face first tonight before she came up with another solution.

Adina saw that George’s eyes were still opened wide, so she turned around.

She raised the knife, and when she was about to stab her face, a dazzling white light suddenly shone in her direction; it came from a car.

The person inside kicked the car door open, and a tall and straight figure quickly walked in from the entrance of the factory. As soon as he entered, the temperature in the surroundings plummeted.

An invisible net seemed to spread out in the air, which suppressed Dew so much that she could not breathe.

She grabbed George tightly while she kept moving backward.” Don’t come over! Duke Winters, don’t come over. Your son is in my hands!”

Duke stood beside Adina. He raised his hand and grabbed the knife from her hand.

“I’ll rescue my own son. I don’t need your help.”

His voice was very cold, but Adina heard some warmth directed toward her.

She pursed her lips and whispered, “Dew has gone mad. You can’t communicate with her using a normal person’s mindset.”

“I know. Just stay here. Leave everything else to me.”

Duke swung his hand and shielded her behind him.


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