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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 19

His long arms wrapped around my thin frame completely as he buried his head in the crook of my neck. His breath tickled my throat and neck, sending excited tingles through my body and making me feel warm and protected. I felt hyper-aware of every inch of him that was touching me. His hair tickled my cheek and his broad hands held me firmly. After a long quiet moment, I pulled away, much to his dismay, and smiled at him softly. He reluctantly took a step back and cleared his throat.

"So what's the plan of the day for tomorrow?" I asked, remembering what he said to the girls.

"I figured we could go on a picnic and then go for a swim at this lake in a wooded area of town," he explained.

"We?" I asked curiously. He shrugged.

"Alana, Anya, you, and me," he elaborated.

"I didn't think you would want to go. You were so uncomfortable around the orphanage and around the girls," I noted. He shrugged, his face looking more tired and defeated.

"That's because I know how each of their parents died. I had to confirm their deaths and place the kids in a new home. Some of them had family members willing to take them in... but those kids are all alone. And I hate that there is nothing I can do about it except hope someone will adopt them. But I hate that I can't give them a family. No body wants them... and no one should have to grow up with that thought," he explained. "I feel like I failed them."


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