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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 20

"I have to tell you something," he said. I was starting to get really nervous now. "I'm not really a good person. Hell, I'm hardly a person at all," he said in a rush.

"Whoa, Eli, slow down. What are you saying?" I asked. Even though Elias seemed like am okay guy, I was still hoping for a way out of here. This town, although it had it's moments today, was bat-shit crazy. Elias struggled with words before he sighed in defeat.

"Nothing, never mind... Forget I said anything. Goodnight, Nova," he said defeatedly. I knew whatever it was, was really eating him because he didn't even call me cupcake this time. I hesitantly stood before I left. I don't know what that was about, but I had an idea. I stopped at the door and looked back at Elias.

"Eli?" I asked sweetly. He looked up to me hopefully. "I don't think the girls have swimsuits. Would you mind taking them tomorrow? I'm make a basket while you're gone," I offered. He smiled tiredly and nodded.

"Sounds good," he said simply. I turned and went back to my room. Tomorrow would be try number three.


The next morning, I waited until I saw Elias drive off with the girls before I snuck downstairs and into his office. I searched around his deck.


I found a landline phone. Who even uses landlines still anyway? I put the phone to my ear and heard the glorious dial tone. I quickly punched in the number and waited.

"Hello?" the groggy voice answered.

"What the hell are you still doing asleep at ten am, Nolan?" I asked, slightly irritated that he wasn't up yet.


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