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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 22

"So what do you think?" Elias asked me. I was about to reply when we heard a growling. It was so loud that the girls got out of the lake and sat in between Elias and I. Elias turned towards the noise and crouched defensively. I was shocked when a growl escaped his throat with even more ferocity. A large wolf emerged from the tree line. Right after, another appeared. Three stalked closer to us before there was Mason, dressed in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts.

"Mason?" I said happy and confused at the same time. I took a step towards him before Elias pushed me back.

"Stay behind me," Elias growled. The wind was knocked out of me by the push. I gasped and rolled over to my stomach. I coughed and tried to catch my breath as I got to my feet. I saw the twins cowering on the blanket. If Mason and Elias were there, I knew the girls would be okay. I ran.

"Nova!" Elias yelled. The growling turned into snarling. I didn't look back. The branches scratched me but I kept pushing. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I took a deep breath. I was ready to scream but a hand covered my mouth. I thrashed and fought.

"Nova! Nova! Calm down! It's me! It's just me!" the voice said. I stopped fighting and turned to see Mason. I sighed in relief and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, thank God," I breathed. Mason held me in a vice grip as he kissed my head. He pulled away and looked over his shoulder.

"We have to get you out of here now," he said quickly. He took my hand and we were running. I could see the parking lot before I was ripped away from Mason. My back hit a tree, making pain shoot up my spine. I gasped as I hit the floor. There was a growling that vibrated the forest floor and a large gray wolf. I gasped as my vision began to get clearer. Mason was coughing on his butt.


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