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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 23

I woke with a pounding headache. Looking around, I was back in the bedroom in Elias' house. I stretched my limbs to feel a dull pain in my shoulder. I touched it to find that it was bandaged. I was bitten.

The wolves.

Elias... Mason.

The book...

I almost forgot all about that book. It made sense, why he wanted me to read it, but I didn't understand. Werewolves didn't exist. It wasn't possible.

She's my mate...

Elias' words echoed in my head. He must have been the one who bit me. According to the book, he marked me. I felt a rush of tears flow down my cheeks. I normally wasn't this emotional. I covered my mouth with my hand to try and stop my sobs but I couldn't. The door creaked open and Elias walked in looking like a dog with his tail between his legs.

"Nova," he said unsurely.

"S-Stay away from me," I stammered. I was being pulled to Elias more than before, but I was scared.

I was scared of him.

"Nova, if you would just listen," he tried again.

"You kidnapped me and kept me here against my will. The least you could've done was tell me the truth. Y-You're a monster. You were going to kill Mason," I said. He sighed and stayed close to the door.

"He was going to take you from me," he tried to defend himself.


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