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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 25

"I don't hate him; I'm just scared of him, or more accurately, I'm scared of what he'll do and who he'll hurt to keep me with him," I tried to explain, gaining more control over my body by the second.

"He's been searching for you his whole life, you know. Taylor and I found each other the moment we shifted and were able to detect our mate. Elias, being an Alpha, was starting to lose hope that he even had a mate, or that you were even alive. He's 27 years old. Normally, if one of us doesn't find their mate by 25, especially an Alpha, they pick a stand-in mate. They choose someone to be with to keep from going mad from loneliness," Minnie explain. That had me curious.

"Elias didn't choose a stand-in?" I asked a little hopefully. Minnie hesitated, which gave me my answer.

"He did, actually. Her name is Kendra. You've probably even seen her a few times. You have to understand, as an Alpha; Elias had more pressure on him to have a mate. He needed a Luna. He chose her. She's headstrong and beautiful, but then again, so are you. But at the end of the day, you're his mate. He loves you," she tried to reassure me. I tried to push down the feeling of jealousy bubbling up, but it was too strong. I felt angry. I saw dots swimming in my vision before everything went black.



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