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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 26

"N-Nova, what are you doing here?" Elias stammered, pushing the girl off his lap gently much to her dismay. She wasn't even ugly. She had long, shiny brown hair and sun-kissed skin. Her eyes were a very green hazel. She was tall and skinny and beautiful with legs to die for...

And then there was me.

I felt hurt and betrayed.

"I'm learning what mates are like. Isn't it just fascinating," I said sarcastically before turning on my heels.

"Nova, wait!" he said. Against myself, I stopped. I felt the tears welling up, but I held them back. "Kendra please," Elias muttered to the girl. That felt like twisting the knife. He chose her, not me.

"No, allow me. I wouldn't want to interrupt anything. My apologies Alpha, I'll remember to knock next time," I said bitterly. I ran out of the office and outside. I don't know where I was going but I needed to get away. I'd had enough of this. I was sore and tired. It literally felt like I'd just been dragged through hell, only to come back to this. I pushed myself to run faster as I let my tears go. I cried as I pushed myself further away from the house.


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