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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 33

"Nova, please wake up," I heard Elias beg quietly. His thumb rubbed soothing circles over my hand. I pulled my hand out of his and kept my eyes closed.

"Go away," I said hoarsely.

"Nova?" he asked. I sighed and blinked my eyes open. I groaned as I tried to move. My shoulder and collar hurt from where Kendra scratched me.

"This is your fault, Elias. Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you. I don't want to be with you," I said. Some was a lie, but I wanted all of it to be true. I wish I didn't care about him like I did. I felt tears prick my eyes so I looked away from him. Darius was still a wolf. He whined and put his head in my lap. Elias growled at him, making him move away from me. I glared at Elias.

"Stop it! You have no claim over me. I don't even want you here right now," I yelled at him. I winced as my mark started burning. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Who did this?" he asked softly. I rolled my eyes.

"Who do you think? You wanted to keep her around after I specifically asked you to get rid of her. But I guess the mate bond wasn't strong enough for that. You didn't care about me enough to let Kendra go and look what happened. This is your fault," I answered. Elias immediately started shaking his head.


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