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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 34

"Ready to go?" he asked hopefully. I felt a pang in my chest but kept a straight face as I nodded. I waked out of the room with Elias behind me. I walked straight to the car that was pulled up for us and got in. Elias got in the driver's side a moment later. He drove to the house before he parked and just let the car idle.

"Nova, talk to me please. You haven't said a word to me in two weeks," he begged. I stayed quiet and just opened the door. What was the point? He didn't believe what I said anyway, or he wouldn't listen. Talking wouldn't solve anything. I walked to the house and pushed the door open. The lights suddenly flipped on as people popped out of random places and yelled 'surprise'. There was a huge 'Welcome Home!' and 'Happy Birthday' banner hanging on the balcony and I just couldn't help it. My eyes welled up with tears as I subconsciously pulled my shirt over the scar on my collar. I covered a hand over my mouth, as a sob broke loose. This surprise threw me into missing my dad and my brother and my old life all over again. It was my brother's birthday, too.

This wasn't my home.

"Out," Elias growled as he pulled me into his chest. They disappeared like the room was on fire. Elias shushed me as his hand ran over me hair. I hated this. He was comforting me from being hurt by him in the first place and it was actually working. After I calmed down enough, I pushed away from him and went up to my room. I regretted it the minute I stepped out of his arms, but I couldn't allow it. I couldn't continue to allow it.

"Novalyn," he growled. Against myself, I stopped.

"I'm tired, Elias... and I don't want to fight you. I'm going to bed, just let me," I said tiredly without looking back. I waited a moment before I went up the rest of the stairs and closed my door behind me. I slumped on the edge of the bed. I was emotionally exhausted. I was tired of doing anything, so I just wouldn't do anything. I numbly undressed before I crawled under the covers and cried myself to sleep.


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