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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 55

"Nova, wake up!" Minnie said loudly as she burst through the door. I groaned as Elias growled.

"Minnie," he warned sternly.

"Oh, come on, Eli. It's already noon and we have a lot to do before the ceremony. Starting with the dress," Minnie pouted.

"If she wants to sleep, let her sleep," Elias said. I sighed and sat up.

"I'm awake," I grumbled. Minnie smiled and pulled me out of the bed. She dragged me to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Just in time, too. I felt the acid rise in my throat. I positioned myself over the toilet just as the bile bubbled out of my mouth. I coughed in between throwing up. The morning sickness hadn't been too bad. It was on and off so I guess I couldn't complain. I felt Elias' hand on my back.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I chuckled and went to the sink.

"Elias, we've been over this. It's just morning sickness," I said before I brushed my teeth. He kissed my cheek before Minnie took over. Elias started to back out of the bathroom. I rinsed my mouth and set my toothbrush back in its place. I shot him a warning look.

"You are not leaving me right now," I said. Elias hesitated but eventually stayed put.

"Make sure you wear a strapless bra and shave everything," she said. I blushed before she left the bathroom and I was left with Elias. I turned my glare on him.

"You were seriously about to leave?" I asked. He shrugged and moved closer to me.

"It looked like a girl thing," he said unsurely. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me.

"You're not leaving me today," I said softly before I kissed him gently. His hands rested on my hips before he kissed my head.

"I'll be in the room," he gave in. I smiled lightly before he left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I quickly got showered and ready for the day. Elias was waiting in the room as promised. He was already dressed and ready to go. He took my hand in his and we went down to meet Minnie. She dragged us into town to Anna's Tailor shop. I was fitted and asked a series of questions before we went to get me maternity clothes. Afterwards we stopped for a bite to eat. Elias was minding his p's and q's. He was gentle and cautious, as well he should have been.

"I'm getting tired," I said with a yawn. Minnie smiled knowingly.

"I remember when I was pregnant with Rhett. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Enjoy it while you can, Nova," she said. I found myself smiling slightly. It wasn't perfect, but I knew I would love this baby. "If you're up for it, maybe you could have Rhett for a few days to practice. You and Eli. Lord knows he'll need the practice," she joked.

"Minnie, I'm great with kids," he defended himself. I laughed.

"Yeah right. You couldn't even handle when we had Alana and Anya for a day," I pointed out. He pouted.

"That was different... plus, the ending wasn't quite as planned," he said vaguely. I remembered.

Chapter 55 1


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