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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 56

The next few weeks passed in a blur. The constant checkups with the doctor told us that the baby was perfectly healthy. I was officially three months pregnant. Minnie let us practice with Rhett, as promised. Elias needed all the help he could get. It was good. We were getting along fine and things were finally looking up for us. Before I knew it, it was time for the Luna ceremony.

Anna's Tailor shop made me a dress that was completely white. Because of the protruding belly, it had a high waist and flowed the rest of the way to my feet. Minnie had a cluster of girls do my hair and makeup. It was really unnecessary if you asked me, but no one ever asked. Plus, Minnie said the ceremony was tradition, and I wasn't trying to mess with tradition in this particular sense. Once I was done-up, Minnie led me to a clearing in the woods. It was surrounded by tikki torches. The people were barely visible in the glow of the fire. There were twinkle lights surrounding the pond at the edge of the clearing. Minnie led me to it. She didn't tell me much about the ceremony, just a summary. Elias was standing by the water and a priest was waiting for me in the water.

Elias smiled when he saw me. He gave me a quick kiss before he helped me into the water. The priest held onto me gently as he held a hand up to the pack.

"Tonight, we welcome Novalyn Moore as Luna of the Rigor Moon pack. Is there any reason why this woman should not be Luna?" the priest asked. It was silent for a moment before he continued. "Novalyn Moore, you have chosen to accept your role as leader, mother, and giver. You shall be of kind heart and pure spirit. Should you choose to accept it, you are agreeing to be the mother figure to the pack. You shall put the needs of the pack first and rule beside our Alpha with a kindred spirit and gentle hands. Do you accept?" he asked. I took a shaky breath.

"I, Novalyn Moore, of sound mind and free will, accept my role as Luna of the Rigor Moon pack," I recited. Minnie made sure I knew that part. The priest pinched my nose and submerged me under the water for a second before I resurfaced. Everyone cheered as Elias helped me out of the water. Elias wrapped me in a towel and kissed me gently.

"I'm proud of you, cupcake," he whispered to me. I felt myself smile. Elias was back as Alpha, I was Luna, and we were having a baby. Afterwards, there was a celebration. I was free to wear anything semiformal. Minnie dressed me in a simple, long, grey sundress, which I was grateful for. Heading back out to the party, I was stopped by Nolan. I smiled and hugged him.

Chapter 56 1

Chapter 56 2


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