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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 6

"Your recovery is coming at a remarkably slow pace. I would suggest a few pints blood transfusion. It may speed up the process. Plus, Elias here is your just your type," the doctor said. It seemed like there was a double meaning behind his words.

"Michael," Elias snapped at him in a clear warning. I didn't understand the big deal. Why would Elias be so snappy about a blood transfusion? The two shared a silent exchange as if they were communicating without words.

"I would like that option is it'll make this less, um... painful. Only if Elias is willing to donate," I said, turning to Michael. Michael smiled.

"I assure you, the transfusion will have you feeling better in no time," he said positively. Michael glanced at Elias briefly. Elias only sighed and set his jaw tight. They stared at each other in their silent communication way of staring at each other. It was odd. It was like a very intense staring contest. There was the slightest change in facial expression, a quirk of an eyebrow, a furrow, a lip twitch every once in a while. It looked like they actually were holding dialogue without words. Eventually I cleared my throat.

"Can I get some water please?" I asked hoarsely. My throat still felt scratchy and sore. Michael blinked before he smiled at me.


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