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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 7

"Nova," Elias said softly. I blinked my eyes open and tried to sit up. My bones didn't scream at me as I pushed up on my hands. It was actually fairly easy besides a little soreness. I sat up and looked around. Elias took my hand in his.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me. I yawned and stretched my limbs.

"I feel... fine. How is it that I feel so must better after a blood transfusion and a nap. A blood transfusion wouldn't magically heal my bones," I asked. Elias rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand.

"You're better now; that's all that matters," he said. I pulled my hand away from his and looked at the sheets.

"I want to go home," I said softly.

"Why?" he asked. "Do you not feel comfortable with me? Don't you think that it's for a reason?" he asked. I shook my head as tears threatened to fall.

"My dad needs to know I'm alive. He can't loose me, too. He just can't," I cried.

"Why are you so insistent on this?" he asked.

"Because he's already lost my mom to the woods. He can't lose me too," I said.

"What happened?" he asked quietly. I sighed before I fiddled with my fingers. Logic told me not to tell him, but I wanted to.

"She was murdered; mutilated by animals. She went out one night to try to find our dog, Shipmate. He wandered out into the woods near our house and... she never came back. The next morning we went looking for her and... and we found her. She was shredded to pieces and there was so much blood. My dad went into shock. We called the police and they determined it was some kind of animal. A wild dog, or pack of wolves or something. Shipmate was found cowering in a hole in a tree. Apparently the hole was too small for the animal to get into. They only got my mom. My dad he cried for so long. He grieved for so long. He can't lose me too. He has to know that I'm alive. He has to know that I'm not dead. He'll lose it again if I don't," I tried to explain. Elias sighed and closed his eyes briefly.

"Okay, but I have to be with you and you can't tell him what's really going on," he said. I chuckled humorlessly.


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