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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 18



"Have I ever judged you guys when you order those truckloads of food when you are only 'snacking'? No right? Then you ain't got any right to judge me too." I said while filling my mouth with spoonfuls of pasta.


Before Alexander could reply to my words, Daniel and the rest of the group came to the table taking their respective seats.


I saw Alexander giving Daniel the sour eye. Looks like he is still pissed at him for calling me his mate in front of him. Aish! 

'He is seriously such a girl who doesn't want to lose his best friend and is jealous of that new girl who is having her best friend's attention.' I thought looking at his weird expression.


"Hey! That's mine!" I shouted with my mouth full when I noticed Sean taking one of my sandwiches.


"You have soo much here. One won't make a difference right?" Sean said sticking out his tongue to me while taking a large bite from the sandwich.


Grumbling in a low voice, that I couldn't do anything when he already ate it, I resumed back to stuffing my mouth with food.


'I don't like her. Ask her to keep her hands off our mate!' Carla suddenly said.


'You don't like who?' I asked confused.


'This girl who is practically all over our mate Alexander.' Carla said making a disgusted face.


Looking up from my bowl, I noticed the same egotistic girl that I bumped with, earlier in the hallway, sitting close to Alexander. Too close for my liking.


'Hmm, I don't like her either.' I said back to Carla seeing how she was practically flexing her breasts in front of Alexander.


"Whose she?" I asked Aiden, as my curiosity got better of me, while I pushed my fork into the pasta angrily wishing it was her hand in place of my pasta.


"She is Laila. Alexander's girlfriend." Aiden said in a strained voice. Looks like someone else is also there who doesn't like her.


"And can you please go easy with that fork? It looks like you are murdering your pasta." Kayla said as she looked at me weirdly.


"Alexander's girlfriend?" I murmured, not even bigger to reply Kayla, as I felt tears forming in my eyes.


I knew my crush was only one-sided and was never reciprocated but somehow I felt wronged. I felt wrong that he never told me about having a girlfriend, that he continued to flirt with me, or should I say over-friendly without making it clear that he was off-limits.


Looking at their close relationship, I couldn't help but feel a great sense of betrayal. I know it's probably me overreacting, but I just can't control this feeling anymore. I could feel a strong sense of hatred for the girl building inside me.


'Carla, are you planting these hateful emotions in me?' I asked Carla so that I could blame her for whatever I was feeling and feel less burdened myself.


'I am and you are feeling this way because it's us who is supposed to be with Alexander our mate and not her.' Carla said.


'Damn it! Carla. You are taking this mate joke a little bit too far.' I said as I felt the need of leaving the place.


"Hey, Sean. Did you want to have some of this no? You can have it all." I smiled, before standing and taking my backpack in my hands.


"Will see you guys later, I guess," I said, my eyes still on Laila's hand that was draped over Alexander's shoulders. 


If I had a choice, I would've twisted her arm back pushing her off that damn chair.


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