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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate (Lila) novel Chapter 183

Lila’s POV

“Someday soon, Enzo will realize what a terrible mistake he’s made,” Felicity said, rolling her eyes at me.

“And I suppose you think that you’re more suitable to be the Luna?” I asked, straightening my shoulders.

“Obviously,” she scoffed. “Like I said, I know this pack very well. I know Enzo very well. I know what he likes and what he doesn’t like. You are a dangerous nobody who will get everybody killed eventually. You shouldn’t be around people.”

“If Enzo truly felt that way then he would have rejected me long ago without a second thought. But he hasn’t. In fact…” I moved my hair away from my neck. Her eyes faltered on my mark and her sly grin fell. “He trusted me enough to mark me. I guess that means he trusts me enough to help him run his pack.”

She was silent; her eyes never leaving my mark.

I wasn’t going to entertain this conversation any longer. I stepped around her and began walking back in the direction of Diana’s room. I felt a cold chill wrap around my body, making me shiver. More than anything, I just wanted to be tucked away into Enzo’s arms and feel his warmth.

I knew that Felicity was just talking out of her ass; I know that Enzo loves me. But she still had a little truth in her words. I haven’t learned everything about my abilities yet and they are still unpredictable. Until I can learn how to control them fully and find out the extent of what I can do, I will always be a danger to anyone I encounter.

How could I help run Enzo’s pack? How could I expect his pack to trust me, when I barely trust me?

The thought caused an ache in my chest, and I paused just outside the door, unable to enter. I placed my hand on my chest, feeling my rapid heartbeat and trying everything I could to settle it down.

Her words shouldn’t have affected me like this; I need to learn to brush this kind of attack off my back. It’s going to be unavoidable, and I already knew this. Enzo was so handsome that it would be foolish to think that others wouldn’t want him as well.

I wondered what his relationship with Felicity was before I came into the picture. She, and another girl, said hi to him when we were headed toward the dining room for breakfast the morning after he marked me. He didn’t seem super interested in her though; he said hi in return and moved on.

There wasn’t anything unusual about the encounter; except for the fact that she couldn’t stop glaring at me.

I took in a deep breath and reached for the door handle. It would only be a matter of time before—”

“Lila? What’s wrong?”

Before I could even touch the doorknob, the door was swinging open, and Enzo was rushing toward me.

I stood frozen as he wrapped his warm arms around my body, pulling me close to him. Val was wiggling with satisfaction, and I knew Max was probably happy too. I melted into him; taking in his scent and feeling the comfort his body provided me.

I buried my face in his chest; it took everything I had not to cry. But I wanted him to know just how strong I was. Crying was for weak little girls. I was not a weak little girl.

“I’m okay,” I breathed into him, lifting my gaze to meet his.

“I can feel your emotions. I know something is wrong,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

My face reddened as he poured his gaze into mine.

That stupid mark. I forgot he could feel my distress and vice versa.

“I watched a little girl fall,” I explained, not wanting to start anything within his pack, so I left out the part about Felicity. “She hurt her arm. But I helped her.”

His frown deepened as he stared around my face like he was searching for something.

“There’s more,” he said, squinting his eyes at my face.

It wasn’t a question, but I sighed and nodded.

“I had a run-in with a she-wolf,” I told him. “Felicity.”

I swear I thought the color in his face drained as I spoke her name. His body tensed and he was staring at me through the void of his eyes.

“She told me I was dangerous and that I wouldn’t make a good Luna. That I would get everyone killed. She wants to be the Luna. She thinks she knows this pack way better and…” my voice trailed off, and I was unable to keep the tears at bay. “She thinks she knows you better.”

Enzo’s jaw tightened and I saw the anger filling his eyes now. He was staring down the empty hallway, the direction he knew I came from.

“Can you stay with my mother?” Enzo asked, his voice hardened and unfamiliar. “I’ll be right back.”

He released his hold on me and began to walk away, but I grabbed onto his arm, stopping him.

“It’s okay. Really,” I said, trying to force a bright smile. “Please don’t make a scene because of this.”

“She threatened her future Luna,” Enzo seethed through his teeth. “I’m not letting her get away with this. Also, what room was that little girl in? I’d like to pay her a visit as well to make sure she’s okay.”


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