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My Rich Hot and Infertile Husband (Celeste and Liam) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

On the way. Mason would chat with her from time to time, but he knew how to control the conversation. He wouldn’t ask too much about what happened to her at the police station or why she appeared at the hospital last time Instead, he would notice the unique phone charm Celeste had and ask where she bought it

When he found out she made it herself, he looked surprised and complimented her

This kind of consideration made her feel very relaxed

She couldn’t help but imagine

hat if Liam was with her now, he’d probably glance at it disdainfully and comment, “That’s so ugly”

If she could ever hear a compliment from Liam’s mouth, it must be the end of the world. Liam didn’t love her, so he never knew how to appreciate her

“Is this the place?”

Mason slowed down the car

Celeste came back to her senses, looked outside, and nodded, “Just pull over and let me out.”

Once the car stopped, Celeste said, “Wait for me a moment.”

Mason was confused and wanted to ask more, but Celeste got out of the car and walked across the street. He saw her disappear among the passing cars.

About ten minutes later, Mason saw her figure again. This time, she was holding two cups of coffee, standing on the other side of the zebra crossing, scanning the passing cars.

Mason’s gaze was fixed on her face, unable to move away. He didn’t came back to reality until the car window was knocked on

He rolled down the window, and Celeste handed him a cup of coffee

Mason took it, emotions swirling in his heart, and he said softly. “My name is Mason, what’s yours?”

Celeste hesitated for a moment, then smiled, “I’m Selena Colton.”

On the other side, Kaylee was restless after learning that Mason had a date.

“Liam! Mason said he has a date! Who is his date?”

Liam didn’t feel well and had no mood to deal with her, he said impatiently, “How would I know?”

“Aren’t you his best friend? How could you not know? Who is his date?”

Liam took the phone back from her hand, coldly said, “Kaylee, if you make a scene here again, get out!” Kaylee stopped talking, knowing her brother had a bad temper. In fact, she was afraid of Liam.

And today, Liam’s temper was so bad, could it be because Celeste said something to him?

Thinking of this, Kaylee felt uneasy and tentatively asked, “What did Celeste come to the company for?”

Liam glanced at her, “How should you address her?

Kaylee reluctantly said, “Ah, what did my sister-in-law come to the company for?”

“What does it have to do with you? Go get Owen for me.”

Kaylee could only swallow her anger and leave with a dark face to call Owen. She originally wanted to follow him in, but Liam pushed


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