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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 3

I grabbed my phone checking the time, 4.30 am noticing I had a text from Kain.

My heart dropped.I quickly opened his message: did you get the abortion? — I don't know why that surprised me though.

He made it clear he didn't want me, Add and he made it clear last night that he didn't want this baby.I didn't even waste my time responding to him.I crawled out Previous Table of contents of bed deciding now is as good as time as ever to leave.

I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I had tossed and Next Display options turned most the night already anyways Qo I slipped on some sweatpants and a solid white t-shirt.

Taking one last look around my apartment I grabbed my bag and M.O left.I headed south-west, excited to leave Missouri behind.I drove, only stopping for gas and food, until crossing the Texas border I felt relieved.

Kain continued to blow my phone up with text messages Asking me questions and threatening me.

Hello! Did you get it done? You better have went and got it taken care of Open your door Where are you?! Answer your damn phone! I'm sorry I don't know how this happened, but you can't have a baby by me... don't want a half breed.

The last one, about a half breed, made me cringe.I didn't respond do any of his messages.He never had to know that I kept the baby.I couldn't think about what would happen when I had this baby.

Would it come out as a baby or a puppy? Omg...I don't know if I can do this.I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate and decided to stop at a small diner on the side of the road.I just needed a break.I was tired and overwhelmed.

It was a small one-horse town.

Fields and farm animals everywhere you look.

It was quiet.

I liked it.I went inside the diner, taking a seat in a back corner booth.

An older woman, maybe in her early 50's came to take my order.

Her smile was friendly and her eyes gleamed, "Hi sweetie, what can I get ya?"

Her country accent shining through with every word.

"I'll just take a cheeseburger and some fries please, and if ya'll have any sweet tea that would be great."

She laughed, her eyes lighting up more, "Of course we have sweet tea.What kind of Texas diner would we be without it?"

She left to go place my order with the cook.I sat staring out the large window at the sun setting.

It looked beautiful here.I'd never cared to watch the sunset before now, and it was breath taking against the fields.I heard the small bell chime, alerting them a customer had entered.I heard boots as they walked up to the counter.I didn't want to look over and seem like a nosey person.

As I sat waiting on my food, I decided this is the perfect place to settle down and have raise my child.

It was quiet, small, no one knew me, and I didn't think Kain would be able to find me here.

I could hear whispering coming from the counter and could feel the stares on me Without being able to stand it any longer.

I shot a quick glance toward the counter A tall man over 6 foot tall with bulging muscles and tanned skin was talking with my waiter.I couldn't seem to take my eyes off him.

His right arm was covered in tattoos and his sky-blue eyes stood out against his dark skin and shaggy brown hair.

His wrangler jeans might as well have been painted on his shirt clung to him.

When his eyes met mine, I swore I seen them swirl with grey, or was I imagining that? I guess I still had a ways to forget about Kain The cook rang the small bell on the counter and the older lady grabbed the plate of food to bring to me.

Before she could make it around the counter the cowboy took it from her, whispering something I couldn't make out, and proceeded to bring it to me himself.

My heart started racing the closer he got to me.

He smiled, showing a row of perfectly straight and white teeth, "How are you doin ma'am?"

he asked me as he sat my food down in front of me, with that same southern drawl as the woman.

"I-I'm fine, thank you."

It seemed like lately anytime I got nervous I seemed to stutter, and I hated it.I didn't want to look at this gorgeous man standing next to me.

"I'm Dane Black." he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Holly," I told him, shaking his extended hand.

The skin was rough, but his touch was gentle.

His touch sent shocks through my up my arm and through my body.I pulled my hand back quickly, surprised at the feeling "Mind if I sit with you?" he questioned.

Yes, I minded but I couldn't be rude and say that, not if I was planning on staying in this town anyways.

"If you don't mind me asking, where ya from?"

And the questioning has started.I hadn't thought about this yet.I didn't know if I should lie or not.I looked at him as I shoved a French fry into my mouth.

Our eyes locked and I felt a calmness run through me.I wasn't nervous or scared anymore.

"I'm from Missouri." I stated.

His eyebrows raised, "Oh yeah, what part?"

I hesitated, what if he knows people there? "I'm just curious what pack you're running from?"

his blue eyes flashed silver My heart skipped a beat as panic coursed through me.

'It's okay.Let me reintroduce myself, I'm Alpha Dane Black."

I wasn't even halfway done eating my food, but I felt sick suddenly.

"I-I-I'm not a werewolf," I whispered.

We were the only ones in the diner, aside from the older woman and the cook who seemed to be getting ready to leave, but I didn't want to say it too loud.

He looked confused, "Why do you smell like one then?"

That was enough questions.

My mind couldn't process this.I was running from a werewolf as it was, and it seems as though I ran right into another one.I jumped from the booth, throwing down a tip and made a dash for the door.I made it to my car, trying to get the door unlocked, when I heard footsteps behind me.

I spun around and seen Dane standing a few feet away from me.


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