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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 30

I was amazed at how well I could see in the dead of night now.

I looked around as we walked, taking in everything.

I wasn’t sure if I would ever get used to this.

I felt so much stronger now, almost invincible.

As we approached the three at the border, I immediately noticed the look of fear and panic on Tatiana’s face.

Though she was standing, she couldn’t seem to stand still, her anxiety clear in her twitchy movements.

In turn, it caused my own to rise.

I didn’t know her well, but I knew she was about to tell us terrible news.

“Alpha Queen Tatiana, what can we do for you?”

Dane addressed her.

Anger flashed briefly in her eyes, “Thank you for showing respect, but please do not ever call me that.

Tatiana is fine.”

Dane nodded in understanding as he wrapped a protective arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side.

“You have shifted. That’s good.”

She started wringing her fingers together nervously.

“Yes, I did. But why? I thought I wouldn’t shift until the night of my birthday?”

I questioned her.

Her eyes darted around the area before she spoke again, “Is there somewhere we can talk privately?”

I looked up at Dane, “Follow us,”

he told her as he turned around leading in the direction of the packhouse.

“We can talk in my office.”

Ash and Colby followed close behind Tatiana as she followed us.

Once in Dane’s office, he instructed Colby to check on patrols and Ash to stand guard outside the door in the hallway.

After shutting the door and motioning for Tatiana to sit down, he questioned her again, “So what is going on?”

I stood next to Dane unable to make myself sit down.

Dread was building in the pit of my stomach at what she was here to tell us.

or not...”

she looked at me, then at Dane.

“I have heard some people talking about how he has completely lost his mind, but who knows if they are true or not.

No one is stupid enough to cross him and find out.”

Dane replied flatly.

I had no idea that Dane had been hearing about my so-called dad.

No one had said anything to me about him.

I watched Tatiana as she searched for her next words.

“Yes, well...the rumors are true. All the ones I have heard are true anyway. He was already insane by my book, but yes, he has completely lost it.”

She looked at me with a deep sadness I had never seen before.

“Alpha Dane, someone from your pack has been feeding him information.”

Her sadness was quickly replaced with anger.

Dane let out a deep growl as he stood from his chair with such force that the chair flew back, hitting the wall behind us.

Tatiana was just as fast, jumping to her feet, “Do not get angry at me! I trusted you to keep her safe.


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