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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 33

As the sirens pierced the silence, Dane sprung from bed, eyes wide as he realized what was happening.

| grabbed Kyra, forcing the tears back that threatened to spill over.

Now was not the time to cry.

| needed to pull it together, and show no fear.

Dane looked down at Kyra, who was beginning tocry in my arms.

“Everything will be okay, princess.”

He leaned down kissing her on her forehead before looking at me, “Let’s go meet Genesis and make sure Kyra is safe.

Then we will deal with Alpha King Apollo.”

To my surprise, everyone was calm as they made their way to where they needed to be.

Dane led me down a corridor through a doorway with a ramp going down.

Zayd and Adria were already there assisting those who needed help.

Genesis appeared beside them with Blaze at her feet.

His little face lit up when he saw us.

They all gave me a tight hug before Genesis reached for Kyra.

Looking down at my precious little girl made my stomach twist into knots.

What if | never see her again? Kyra was still crying as | handed her to Genesis, “We will all protect her with our lives, Luna.”

And with that, Genesis disappeared into the bunker with Kyra and Blaze.

“Dad, if anything happens...”

Dane was abruptly cut off by Zayd, “Son, don’t worry.

| may be old and wobbly, but | still have some fight left in me.”

Zayd pulled Dane into a bone-crushing hug, “Now go do what your best at.”

| could feel the confidence begin to roll off Dane in waves at his father’s words.

Dane slipped his hand into mine as he began to lead me back outside, “Let’s go show your dad why he shouldn’t have ever messed with us.”

As we quickly made our way outside, | could see the large crowd of members who had chosen to fight beside us on the training field.

My eyes scanned the crowd before finally focusing on Alpha White, Ash, and “How do you want to do this?”

Alpha White asked as we walked up to them.

Dane looked around, “How far away from the borders are they?”

Ash spoke up, | had never seen him this serious before, “Alarms were triggered when they were a mile out.

Trackers have reported that they should be at our border within ten minutes, Alpha.”

Ten minutes.

Ten minutes until our world will change.

Ten minutes until the biggest battle this pack has ever been in takes place.

Ten minutes until lives are lost.

Ten minutes isn’t enough time.

I’m not ready for this.

| tried to keep my panic from showing the best I could.

I hadn’t realized that my breathing had quickened as | began to hyperventilate.

“Babe, listen to me.”

Dane turned me to face him, “Everything will be okay.

You and Kyra will be okay.

Remember, when the fighting starts you only worry about keeping yourself safe, even if that means running to the bunker.

You keep yourself alive.”

He gave me a deep kiss that | wish didn’t have to end.

“Now let’s be waiting for them.”

Dane ordered most of the warriors to stay back and hide in the shadows, only to come out when the time was right.

| walked hand in hand beside Dane with Alpha White on my right.

Ash and Colby walked to the left of Dane, while two large men | didn’t know walked to the right of Alpha White.

I did feel alittle more at ease surrounded by all of them but knew it probably wouldn’t last long.

“Has anyone seen my mother?”

| whispered to Dane as we neared the borderline.

“No, not yet.”

He replied.

He was no longer my Dane, no, right now he was in full Alpha mode.

His wolf shone through, and authority dripped off him.

Any other time | would have been a little scared, but right now it was somehow comforting.

We stood in the darkness letting the silence surround us as we waited for the King.

It didn’t take long before the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard approaching.

Taking deep breaths, | managed to keep my heart There were only about twenty men with Apollo.

Though those men were the largest | had ever seen in my life.

'm sure he has more warriors hiding.

The King would never come with so little, Ash spoke through mind link, never taking his eyes from the King’s men.

Dane and Alpha White shared a look and Dane squeezed my hand.


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