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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 37

I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have a brother on the walk to our house.

A half-brother, but a sibling non the less.

As soon as we walked into the house it felt like I could breathe again.

Just being home gave me comfort.

Dane went to the kitchen to make a bottle for Kyra as I began getting her changed.

"Let me," Dane said as he took Kyra from me and began feeding her.

"What’s on that brain of yours?" he questioned softly.

I shook my head, unsure of where to start.

"I just...I don’t know.There are so many thoughts, questions, and worries bouncing around right now I’m not sure where I would even start to try to explain it."

I felt my eyes burn as tears formed.I stood and started pacing around the room; everything hitting me at once.

Dane’s arms stopped me as he slowly turned me toward him, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Deep breath babe."

He whispered as he gently stroked my hair and back.I did as he said, inhaling his scent as it surrounded me.

After a few breaths, I felt calm again and let Dane lead me to bed.

He slowly helped me get undressed before pulling one of his t-shirts over my head.

"My whole life has been turned upside down."

I told him as we laid down on the bed, "I don’t regret it—it’s just been a lot, you know? "

Dane pulled me close to him, "I understand, and you have handled it and waited for me to talk."

“I’m still learning about being a werewolf, a mom, and a mate.And now I have met my mom and lost my mom, meet my dad and I’m still not sure if I can trust him or not.I found out I have a brother! It’s just too much at once."

I sighed and closed my eyes as I snuggled closer to Dane.

"I know it’s been a lot, babe, but I’m proud of you and how well you have handled everything.I’m not sure how much we can trust Apollo either.Hell, I thought we could trust your mom, but look what happened with that.No matter what though—I will always stand by your side.I will always protect you and Kyra, and I love you both more than life itself.Kyra is asleep in her bed, so why don’t we try to get some rest now too."

How did he always know exactly what to say? "I love you too Dane,"

I whispered, feeling his breathing even out under me.I knew he was just as exhausted as I was if not more.I lay there listening to Dane snore lightly until sleep finally consumed me.

The next morning, we woke up and dressed early.I was nervous and excited at the same time.I will, hopefully, get to meet Devin today and learn more from Apollo about Kyra.

As I was packing Kyra’s diaper bag, Adria came through the front door.

"Good morning!" she cooed as she took Kyra from Dane.

"Good morning to you to mom,"

Dane replied playfully to his mom.

She laughed as she swatted at his arm, "Well I hate to break it to you dear, but the minute Kyra was born she stole first place from you!"

I laughed as Dane fake pouted, "Is Apollo still at the border?"

I asked her as I slipped my shoes on and inviting him to breakfast but decided any interaction with the Alpha King should come from you or Dane."

She looked between me and Dane, "the pack is nervous.It’s not often the Alpha King himself shows up and also stays the night.They aren’t sure what is going on or what happened last night.I know you have this under control, son, but I suggest informing them of what’s going on.At least tell them some of it to ease their minds some."

I could see Dane tense, "I'll have Ash give them a brief update and inform them as soon as Apollo leaves, we will hold a formal meeting and let them know everything.For now, though, we should get to the packhouse"

As we walked out the front door, we were met by Ash, Genesis, and Blaze.

"We made him wait as long as we could,"

Genesis sighed, "he hardly slept at all last night.He seems very anxious."

I looked over at Blaze as he talked softly to Kyra and Adria.I still couldn’t get over the changes physically happening in Blaze, not to mention how he acts with Kyra is mind-blowing.

He is so much bigger than other kids his age; taller and more muscular.

"You and Blaze go to the packhouse with them.I will be there shortly,"

Ash told Genesis before giving her a small kiss and heading toward the border.

"Is it okay for him to go by himself?" I asked, feeling a little uneasy at the thought.

Apollo hasn’t done anything to make me doubt his intentions, but I just have this gut feeling he isn’t what he seems.

I wish I didn’t feel this way about him and I hope I am him.They will escort Apollo and Devin, if he is here, to our office.I nodded as I let Dane lead all of us across the yard into the packhouse.

Zayd was waiting in the office for us when we arrived.

"Good morning," he cooed, just like Adria did as he took Kyra from her.

I rolled my eyes and laughed as Dane threw his hands in the air, "Good morning, Dad!" he said.

Zayd just shrugged his shoulders as he moved to sit on the couch next to Adria.

Dane smiled at me and winked before sitting in his chair and pulling me into his lap.I liked seeing the playful side of Dane.

It wasn’t long before we heard a knock on the door before Ash came in, "Alpha Dane, Luna Holly,"

he bowed his head before stepping to the side and allowing Apollo and a man that I assumed to be Devin walk in.

Colby walked in behind them as Ash shut the door.

They stood stiffly by the door instead of taking a seat like they normally would.

Dane and I stood as Apollo approached the desk, "Good morning,"

Dane greeted them.

Apollo smiled as he held his hand out, "Good morning.This is my son, Prince Devin Sparks."

He introduced Devin, who shook Dane’s hand as well.

"Nice to meet you,"

Dane replied before slipping his hand in mine.

I stepped forward a little bit, "I’m Holly Black, your sister I suppose."

I looked at Dane to find a huge smile gracing that beautiful face of his.

This is the first time you have used my last name...like it Mrs.Black.

I heard Dane through our mind link, causing me to smile.

Devin gave a small smile, "I suppose you are," he chuckled lightly shorter than Apollo but had the same brown hair and light grey eyes.

My gut seemed to twist when he spoke though.

There was something about him that made me feel really uncomfortable.

I glanced across the room at Kyra who was still being held by Zayd.

Adria and Genesis exchanged a brief look before locking eyes with me.

I knew then they had the same gut feeling I had about Devin.I just knew we needed to keep our guard up and watch him carefully.

Dane must have felt the uneasiness spreading through the room, "So what can you tell us about Kyra and Blaze?" he asked, breaking the silence that had settled.

We all looked at Apollo waiting for his response, "Straight to the point, I like that," he smiled, "there is a prophecy I guess you could say, in short, it says that a female heir to the Royal pack will be blessed with gifts this world hasn’t seen.One of the things I remember hearing is how this female would have a mate from birth.He would be blessed with the strength and knowledge needed to protect her and rule beside her."

I looked over at Blaze who was sitting close to Kyra as I thought about what Apollo had just said.

It made sense to me, but I felt like there was more he didn’t want to tell us.

"What else does this prophecy say?"

I questioned him, narrowing my eyes.

"It’s been so long, that is all I can remember.My mother is the one that used to tell me."

I didn’t believe him.

Devin sat silently watching Apollo.

"So, you think that Kyra is the one mentioned in the prophecy, the one to become the next Queen?"

Zayd spoke up as he handed Kyra to AdriaAsmall smile spread on Apollo and Devin’s face, "Yes, but if she is, then she won't just rule over the werewolves, but overall the supernaturals.For this reason, we believe she should come to live at the palace, of course not without both of you.There she will be better protected and can get the training she needs."

Devin was very confident as he spoke.

Deep growls broke out throughout the office as Dane, and I stood.

"Kyra isn’t going anywhere,"

Dane gritted out, stepping forward.

I noticed everyone in the room had slowly moved and were now circling Adria and Kyra protectively.

Apollo scanned the room, "No need to get violent, Devin was merely offering."

"Offering? What are your real intentions here?"

I had to ask.

This gut feeling had continued to grow, making me wish they would just leave.

The smirk that flashed across Devin’s face sent chills down my spine.


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