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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 44

After breakfast, we walked to the packhouse to wait for Apollo.

"There’s my princess!"

Adria squealed as she took Kyra from my arms.

"We will be in my office until Apollo arrives," Dane told her as he grabbed my hand and led me upstairs.

I looked around as we walked, "Dane, where is everyone?"

It was unusual to see the packhouse empty like it was.


That was good, at least we would be better prepared when Devin shows up.I say when and not if because I have a gut feeling he will.

"You aren’t supposed to be back yet!" Ash said playfully, joining us the rest of the way to Dane’s office.

"I know, and technically I’m not.Apollo will be here soon, so we are waiting for him."

Ash nodded in understanding, "Zayd informed me this morning so I could alert the patrol."

"How are Genesis and Blaze doing? I haven’t seen them much lately." I questioned Ash.

Since I was released from the hospital, Dane had limited visitors, claiming we needed some time for us.

"Blaze has been antsy lately not being able to see Kyra all the time, and Genesis is fine."

I smiled at the thought of Blaze not getting to see Kyra.

He could be very stubborn when he didn’t get his way.

"Has anyone found out more information on the prophecy?"

I hadn’t heard anything about it at all lately.I noticed the brief look that passed crossed my arms over my chest as I looked at Dane.

There was something he wasn’t telling me.. again.

"Apollo is here and being escorted to the office now," Dane told me as he stood from his seat.

I hated not being able to mind link anymore.I know I spent my whole life without a wolf, but I had really become used to the perks once I got mine.

It still makes me sad to think about, but there is nothing I could do to change that...I don’t think anyway.

And if I could go back in time, I would still help Dane and we would still have the same outcome.

The office door opened, pulling me from my thoughts, "Holly!"

Apollo smiled as he pulled me into a hug.I felt my eyes begin to burn with unshed tears.

"Hi, Apollo."

He held me back at arm’s length as he looked over me for any traces of injury.I noticed how tired he looked with dark circles under his eyes.

It almost looked as if he had aged overnight.

He didn’t seem as huge as I remember.

Not that he is weak now, but maybe a little thinner.

Once he was satisfied, we sat down on the couch together.

"You should take some time off from the search.You look tired."

I gave him a small smile.

"I’m so glad that I have had the chance to meet you and spend some time with you.I will never be able to thank you enough for letting me know my granddaughter as well."

His eyes showed nothing but sincerity.

"I feel the same, but what’s wrong?"

I felt as if he was telling me goodbye or something.

Apollo cleared his throat as he glanced around the room, "I have problems between my mate, Devin’s mom, and me.She isn’t handling this well, and she knows when I find him, I will kill him.It is going to break us both, but I know that it must be done.There is a chance we won't survive this.But enough of that!"

He turned to me, "How do you feel?"

My mind was whirling at his words.

Why wouldn’t they survive Devin’s death? I knew it would be hard for them, losing a child, but why did he sound so sure that they wouldn’t survive?

"I feel fine.Honestly, though, I miss my wolf.It feels like a part of me is missing."

A tear slipped down my cheek and Apollo gently wiped it away, "I can only imagine how that feels, but remember you are strong.Think about everything you made it through in your life without your wolf.You have always been strong, and that isn’t going to change now.I needed to hear that.I already knew I was a strong person, and Dane is always telling me, but hearing it from my dad was different.

It gave me hope that I could handle this.

"I know there is something else bothering you.You can talk to me, ya know?" he said as he searched my eyes.


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