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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062 Bottom Line Exposed

Lu Tiance advised Rong Rong to rest after her meal, but alas, she insisted on accompanying him on a walk instead.

As soon as they stepped out of the camp, they were greeted by a breathtakingly beautiful sunset.

Rong Rong was in high spirits and started to run, prompting Lu Tiance to follow closely behind.

“We can't make any noise here!” he warned.

With that, Rong Rong quickly shut her mouth.

Even though the weather had already transitioned into early winter, the woman wore nothing more than a thin jacket.

Upon realizing that, Lu Tiance removed his coat and draped it over Rong Rong's shoulders.

“This is just like a scene from a romantic drama,” Rong Rong said with a chuckle.

“What?” Lu Tiance muttered, not at all understanding what she meant.

He had never watched romantic dramas before, so it was hardly surprising that he knew nothing about them.

“Do you want me to enlighten you?” Rong Rong asked, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips.

Oblivious to the subtle social cues, Lu Tiance replied, “No, thank you.”

For a moment, Rong Rong was stunned. “All the more reason to tell you, then!”

This time, it was Lu Tiance's turn to be shocked. Huh? What reasoning is that? I've already said I don't want to know, yet she still insists on telling me. Is she forcing her ideas on me?

“In many romantic dramas, the male and female leads often find themselves caught in heavy rain or snow. To portray the male lead as a warm-hearted man, he'd remove his coat and drape it over the female lead,” Rong Rong said smilingly. “It's just like what you're doing now.”

Lu Tiance, however, was appalled. “Isn't that the most basic principle of being a human, though? If I were on a mission with my subordinates and they were freezing, I'd give them my coat, too.”

Upon hearing that, Rong Rong felt a sense of defeat.

“How is that the same? When you drape a coat over your subordinates, it's your way of caring for them.”

“I'm offering you my coat because I also care about you and don't want you to catch a cold. What does this have to do with romantic dramas?” Lu Tiance retorted.

Rong Rong suddenly wanted to turn and walk away so she could ignore the rigid, hard-headed fool before her.

However, after seeing Lu Tiance's serious expression, she felt the slight urge to laugh.

I can't believe how dense this guy is. Come to think of it... I doubt he has ever been in a relationship. Who could put up with his woodenness?

“Tiance, have you really never been in love?” Rong Rong asked.

Alas, Lu Tiance was reluctant to respond to that. “The sun is about to set, and it'll get colder. Let's head back. I'll arrange for someone to escort you out.”

“Are you sending me away?” Rong Rong blurted out.

Lu Tiance nodded.

“I finally found you after overcoming countless obstacles, and now you're asking me to leave?” the woman added.

“This is a restricted area. Unauthorized individuals aren't allowed to enter at will, let alone stay overnight.”

Lu Tiance advised Rong Rong to rest after her meal, but alas, she insisted on accompanying him on a walk instead.

“But I'm not some random person! We're like siblings!” Rong Rong exclaimed.

Sadly, Lu Tiance remained unmoved. “You still have to leave.”

“I can't leave now,” Rong Rong grumbled as she stomped her foot in frustration. “I'm nearly dying!”

“I'll arrange a car for you so you don't have to walk.”

“I can't sit in a car, either. I've already said I'm at death's door!” Rong Rong fumed.

Argh! I'm so angry I'm about to pass out! What kind of person is he? How can he be so heartless to send me away in the middle of the night? Does it not prick his conscience?

Frustrated beyond belief, Rong Rong squatted on the ground and stayed silent, her eyes brimming with tears.

Naturally, Lu Tiance was at a loss. I'm only following the rules, for goodness' sake. I'm not deliberately making things difficult. I don't understand why Rong Rong is so angry...

“What do you suggest, then? Keeping you here is against the rules,” he said in a low voice.

“But I'm honestly tired. Can't you let me stay for the night? I promise I'll leave tomorrow. Will that do?” Rong Rong insisted. “Moreover, I won't occupy your space. You can send me back to the detention room. Otherwise, you can leave me in the doghouse if you guys have one here!”

“We do,” Lu Tiance answered earnestly.

Rong Rong gaped at the man before her.

Wait a minute... Is he really planning to throw me into the doghouse? Oh, gosh! He's inhuman!

“However, the doghouse is for the dog, so I can't give it to you,” Lu Tiance continued.

Chapter 1062 1

Chapter 1062 2

Chapter 1062 3


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