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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064 This Is Simply Fantastic

At five in the early morning, Rong Rong was awakened by the sound of the assembly whistle.

In the haze between sleep and wakefulness, she found herself daydreaming about the days of military training at school.

It was not until she flipped to the side and got up that she realized she was not receiving military training, but someone else was training.

So, she laid back down, but she could not fall asleep anymore.

She then got out of bed, got dressed, and went outside.

The day had not yet fully dawned, and the chill on the training field was intense.

Rong Rong pulled her coat closer as she observed the guys on the field, who were already drenched in sweat from their intense training.

She took out her phone, ready to capture this precious moment.

“No photos allowed,” the guard nearby reminded.

Rong Rong gave a sheepish smile and quickly put away her phone. “I'm sorry.”

The guard remained silent, continuing to act like a quiet statue.

After a while, the sky became a bit brighter.

Rong Rong took off her coat and started running along the sidelines.

She also had a habit of jogging in the morning, which was how she had managed to maintain a good physique.

After a while of running, she heard a set of footsteps beside her.

Glancing over, she noticed Lu Tiance's tanned face covered in sweat as he ran alongside her.

Rong Rong nodded at him, but he did not respond. Instead, he quickly overtook her and ran ahead.

She thought he was there to be her running partner, but it turned out he was just doing his own training.

Rong Rong tried her best to catch up but realized it was impossible.

Lu Tiance was swift as a leopard. No one could catch up to him, let alone Rong Rong, who was just a girl.

Fortunately, Lu Tiance quickly caught up to her on the second lap.

Rong Rong ran ahead of him, not allowing him to overtake her.

When he moved to the left, she followed suit. He moved to the right, and she did the same.

She kept obstructing his path, not allowing him to pass.

Lu Tiance knew she was being mischievous, and he played along with her antics.

Otherwise, with his speed, could she possibly block him?

Rong Rong turned her head and greeted, “Good morning, Tiance.”

“Do you also run?”

Rong Rong snorted inwardly. What a question! Running is such a simple exercise. Who wouldn't know how to do it? Could it be that in your eyes, I'm just a good-for-nothing who only knows how to eat?

“Of course. I have a longstanding habit of going for a morning run,” she replied.

“Very good. Keep it up.”

As Lu Tiance spoke, he seized the moment when she was off guard, darted past her, and continued to run forward.

Rong Rong chuckled. His legs are so long, and his sprinting power is extraordinary. I just can't catch up.

After finishing her run and taking a shower, it was time for breakfast.

The breakfast spread was lavish, featuring buns, fried fritters, pancakes, pasta, noodles, and even risotto.

A variety of breakfast options from the South and North were available for everyone to select according to their usual diet.

Rong Rong took a cup of soy milk and a serving of fried fritters.

She walked around the cafeteria but failed to spot Lu Tiance anywhere.

As she was sitting in the corner eating, a few guys suddenly gathered around her.

“When are you leaving, miss?” the guys asked straightforwardly.

Rong Rong wondered if she was so disliked that everyone was eagerly waiting for her to leave.

The thought left her feeling sad, and there was a hint of embarrassment and dejection on her face.

“I haven't decided yet. Perhaps in the next couple of days,” Rong Rong said softly. “I'm not feeling too well, that's why...”

“That's great!” everyone exclaimed.

Rong Rong was taken aback. “I'm not feeling well, and you guys are happy about it? Do you dislike me that much?”

“Oh, we didn't mean it's good that you're not feeling well. We meant it's great if you could stay a few more days!”

Chapter 1064 1

Chapter 1064 2


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